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I like having my titles start with the same letter. :)

Entries in this blog

Green, White, and Black

This was a poem my brother wrote a year ago dedicated to the Syrian revolution. "Freedom!" the hearts of souls call, true men of my country rise and fall through pure revolution, uniting us all, making vermin of giants who once stood tall. Yet "they" still hesitate to make a decision governments of men, who claim a religion united by blood yet separate in vision, united by language yet like an incision; a separation, a cut, a blatant division of opinion, mission, even definition of what happens



Uncle's Freedom

What's up, Canterlot? Still being awesome? I just got news of my uncle's situation in Syria, and that he finally got released from prison. It's the best news I heard in a long, long time, and I couldn't be more happy. All my worries of what could have happened to him in there are gone, and to hear that he's still alive is a miracle. Then again, this two year revolution against tyranny is miraculous in itself. We got no one else to thank but God. Aside from that, egplants still rock. Yes, I only



Flat Life So Far

What's up, Canterlot? It's been a long time since my previous blog, so I'll just cut to the chase and conclude that I've aquainted myself to my flat mates and have grown quite fond of them, actually. Very nice people. All UK nationals like me, but with a mixed background...except the guy from Newcastle. >.> I just caught a cold yesterday, which brought a stop to many things today like going to Uni, dinner with my aunty and grandmother, and bothering to get a part time job. Which is somethi



A Show I Enjoy

What's up, Canterlot? I've just discovered that an Arabic TV Show that I used to watch back home has finally been subtitled and uploaded on Youtube. I'm freaking out. :!: It's based on the historic leader Umar, who was one of the most powerful and influential Muslim rulers in history and very well known for his acts of justice and leadership. It's the biggest show an Arab production has ever made and is standing pretty high in reviews. Anyway, so I stumbled upon one thing he said that I found v



Dorm Life - Part 2

What's up, Canterlot? So a week passed, and I still had no idea what to do with these dieting Ninjas. So I moved on with my life. What's a guy gotta do to make some friends? Go outside and find them! So I would go out for long walks, and explore, explore, explore - and let me tell you that England is visually beautiful! If England was a female in human form I'd marry it. I'm serious, everypony. It's a real pleasure to walk through. Aside from clouds and a bit of rain here and there, (which I fi



Dorm Life - Part 1

What's up, Canterlot?! (say 'the ceiling' and I'll murder you) So I'm finally settled in the UK. I've only been here for a week and I'm quite thankful for the things I've got right now (I HAZ A TOASTER! ) and the friendly people I've met. It was definitely a long trip from home though, since I had to take two plane trips and one train ride to get to the city Leeds. For the record, the one week I spent staying in my dorm flat, I fooled into thinking that I was sharing it with a couple of ninja



A New Blog

So, I thought I'd start a new blog since all the cool people are doing it. I've done video blogs before, but a typing vlog? Not so much. Normal folk say you gotta use correct grammar and spelling in a Blog, but here's hoping you're all as friendly and forgiving as you always are when it comes to the English language.



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