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Entry 2: Sonic 3 ~ Ice Cap Zone Act 1

THE ENTRY CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR SONIC 3 AND SONIC ADVENTURE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Blitzing with a speed of certain blue hedgehog, here comes entry number 2. And while this is our second entry, the theme I will present will come from the third one of the certain series. Released in February 2, 1994 Sonic 3 was not a complete game. Originally both Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles were meant to be one title but certain constrains (read: time and money) made it so they were released separ



Entry 4: Batman: Arkham City ~ Blood of the Demon

THIS ENTRY CONTAINS SPOILERS ABOUT BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY. READ AT YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY,(unless you happen to be Batman that is.) Welcome again. First of all, I have to apologize for lack of entry yesterday. I can't promise such things will not repeat, but I assure you it will happen only on special occasions. What can I write about Batman: Arkham City that weren't already written? Released in October 18, 2011, and scoring numerous awards (most noticeably: Game of the Year, Best Action



Entry 3: Dune 2000 ~ Enter the Ordos

WARNING! TODAY ENTRY CONTAINS NO SPOILERS AT ALL! SO ENJOY. Welcome again for the blog third entry! Let's get straight to the point shall we? Dune 2000 released in September 1998 was a game that had to deal with big expectations. After all it was a sequel/remake of Dune II, one of first real time strategy games and the very one that given a genre it's current form and it gave it a large legacy to follow. Not only that, aside of gameplay it was also meant to unfold the atmosphere present in th



Entry 1: Final Fantasy IX ~ Terra

WARNING! ENTRY CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR FINAL FANTASY IX. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Final Fantasy IX was released in July 7, 2000 in Japan as the final installment of the series on the original Play Station and in opinion of some - myself included - the best one of the series. Returning to the classical fantasy themed feeling in contrast of previous two installments, this 4 Disc game is stuffed with shout-out and nostalgia from series previous games, and yet manages to create it's own unique feeling.




Hello everyone, everypony and every-other-species too. This is first wagon of the new train but luckily, there is no need for a ticket. So come aboard! Maybe you like it here. What is this about? Well video games of course! In our time and age, this youngest form of entertainment unifies fans all around the globe Previously ridiculed and and being accused of all sins of the world, now days video games are serious businesses branch, rivaling even move industry, and no one serious calls them tool



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