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I don't know if anybrony is reading. Frankly, I don't care. I had a good time in Shearwater. I've learned a little more. And I've been accepted for the "Military Band- Advanced Musician" course at CSTC Greenwood. This means I'll be gone for six weeks in the summer. I'll be sure to catch up again, but I don't leave for a few months yet.

Anyway, as some of you know, I hail from the Pit of Voles- fanfiction.net. It's got other, more obscene names, too. It's known mostly for Badfic among the PPC, and with good reason. A lot of the fanfiction there completely defies Canon, is riddled with Sues and Stus, has bad grammar, and is generally just no good. But sometimes, in the piles of dirt and filth scattered throughout the ruins of destroyed Canons, you will find a gem or two. They're that much more valuable because of where they were found. They're few and far between in many sections, though some have more. Some people don't think it's worth sacrificing their time and sanity, but I think it is. That's why I'm there. It also pays to give a Badfic author some concrit. Sometimes there's a complete turn-around and they start writing masterpieces. More often that not, you just get flamed for it, but at least you can say you tried, and that's better than nothing, right?

So, I saw "Dragon Quest" last week, and I liked it. What Spike wrote in his letter was so true. "Who you are is not the same as what you are." I'm not sure on this, but maybe there was something said about racism in there. Just becuase the guy next to me is Black doesn't mean he loves fried chicken, and just because I'm White doesn't mean I'm ignorant. If I offended someone there, you have no idea how sorry I am. But my point got across, yeah?

I can't help but wonder what was in the letter Spike burped up. It was probably something important, too. I get the feeling it will be brought up in this week's episode. Don't know why, just do. Well, I'll be going now. It's been good writing again!


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