This hasn't got much to do with ponies, so if that's what you're looking for, leave. If you're interested in the sentiments of a tired young man, however, maybe you'd like to stick around a while, friend. I was playing Pokemon HeartGold earlier, and I spent some time in Lavender Town. Now, the first Pokemon game I ever played was original Silver, and I'm a nostalgic person, so I play with the GB Sounds turned on so I can listen to old songs and relive good memories. And there it was, the Lavend
I've been hearing and repeating the same mantra since I became a Brony: "love and tolerate". I think I've been precieving it a bit differently than most, however. The way some seem to interpret it is as a message saying to put up with whatever is thrown at us, and I think that isn't quite right. The way I always meant "love and tolerate" was as a shortened version of "just because someone is different doesn't mean they're bad". Regardless of how someone is different, whether because they follow
Some of you know it, some of you don't, but see that "Sgt" in my name? That's actually my title IRL. Well, it was, but then I got promoted and I'm trying to find a universally recognized version of Flight Sergeant. I'm just an Air Cadet, but the thing is that I'm still looked at by more people than you'd think as being part of the military. I don't have a service number, but I wear a uniform. The biggest difference between me and a real soldier is that I don't fight wars, what with being under 1
Dear Princess Celestia... I've learned a valuable lesson today. People don't really hate Bronies because we like the show. Their preception is the problem. The way they see us is entirely different from how we see ourselves. They see us as freaks where we see ourselves as average people who just happen to like a show whose target audience is quite a distance from us. They see us as fetishists where we see ourselves as people who just like to draw and look at pony-related art. The funny thing i
Well, I've been speculating on S3. I've been presented with some intersting theories about what the opener will be like. One theory goes that we will have an especially cruel or greedy villain. Think a moment: Nightmare Moon was a user of dark magic. Discord's whole existence revolved around laughing- at the pain of others. And Chrysalis' whole strategy hinged on deciet. Perversions of Magic, Laughter, and Honesty, respectively. Coincidence? I think not. Other theories say that the writers will
Wow. The finale was just wow. I know I'm a wee bit late, but I do have other business to attend. I couldn't get over how drastically different it was from S1. Not just the finale, but the whole season. Especially the finale though. We have closed borders, espionage, identity theft, all-out war, international threats, straight up fighting in the streets, even a proper display of an armed-albiet-unready Royal Guard contingent. I've always wondered about Equestria's military, and it now becomes ap
I don't know if anybrony is reading. Frankly, I don't care. I had a good time in Shearwater. I've learned a little more. And I've been accepted for the "Military Band- Advanced Musician" course at CSTC Greenwood. This means I'll be gone for six weeks in the summer. I'll be sure to catch up again, but I don't leave for a few months yet. Anyway, as some of you know, I hail from the Pit of Voles- It's got other, more obscene names, too. It's known mostly for Badfic among the PPC, an
Suddenly, a wild blog post appeared! Had to get that out of my system. So, this is the first blog post from your friendly local crazy guy. I've learned a lot of things from a lot of places. Tetris taught me that successes vanish while errors pile up. Drill class taught me that self control is important. Shooting taught me that things work out better if you calm down and take the time to get it done right. The mess at CSTC Greenwood taught me that powdered eggs make one gassy. My room mates taugh