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Not Feeling Hopeful... But There is a Great Cookie Recipe in Here!



Lately I've just been feeling down. Not depressed, but a sort of happy with sad undertones. I left my entire life behind in America and I'm just now starting to feel the full effects. I could very possibly never see my best friends or any of my family members again. Mainly I think of my animals, they were the world to me. Especially my cat, Munchy, and my horse, Dolly. Chris (my fiance) is my only comfort now. He's the only one I really know over here and he's the reason I came here. I don't regret my decision by any means but I do wish I could have part of my old life back. Chris is thinking that soon we might be able to bring Munchy over, but since the family dog of ten years, Bandit, just had to be put down Monday due to a brain tumor we've put plans for Munchy on hold to mourn. I didn't know Bandit very long but I'm also mourning him. He really took a liking to me and often slept at the foot of our bed when I was home alone during the day.

On another note I have mastered the ultimate cookie recipe. These chocolate chip cookies stay soft and gooey days and days afterward, I find them amazing. For those interested in baking here's the recipe:

1 Cup Butter (Softened) 3 Cups Flour

1 Cup Brown Sugar (Packed) 1 Tsp. Baking Soda

1 Cup White Sugar 2 Tsp. Hot Water

2 Eggs 1/2 Tsp. Salt

2 Tsp. Vanilla Extract 2 Cups Chocolate Chips

1. Preheat Oven to 350F (175C)

2. Cream together butter, white sugar, and brown sugar. Beat in eggs one at a time, then stir in vanilla. Dissolve baking soda in hot water, add to batter with salt. Stir in flour and then chocolate chips. Spoon onto baking sheets.

3. Bake for 6-10 minutes or until edges are lightly browned.

This recipe makes TONS of cookies. So if you don't want to be drowning in cookies you can cut the recipe in half and it will still make a decent amount of cookies. I found this recipe to be both very simple and very rewarding, we made one and a half batches in one week and they still didn't last through the week. Hope you enjoy!

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I came for the recipe, but I'm staying for the story. If only to say that I can completely sympathize with you. My boyfriend is graduating from college very soon - which he'd come out here to do several years back so that he could spend time with me. However, once he finishes up we're most likely going to be heading out to the midwest. Moving so far away from home is definitely a big change, but all you can do is keep your chin up and hope for the best.

On a side note, I'll definitely be trying this recipe out sometime soon. It sounds delicious. :D

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