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Mm... Chocolate Peanut Butter Meltdown



Feeling a little more upbeat today. Just been playing oodles and oodles of Skyrim while I search for jobs. Apparently there's this job in R------a at a pet store and I just have to wait for Chris' brother in law to talk to the guy and see if he'd be interested in hiring me on. At this point I doubt I'll get the job as a farm keeper at W-----bank that I wanted. But ah well, better luck next time, right? At this point I'm going insane for want of a job and I'll take what I can get. Since the earthquakes there have been tons of jobs open, but they're all for builders, engineers, electricians. You know, the type of job that is needed when you have a half fallen down city that needs rebuilding.

But fingers crossed I get this job.

Today's recipe is one I made just last night and it's great for cheering you up when your down or just in general great if you love chocolate and peanut butter. Now I warn you this is very rich and if you're prone to tummy aches I recommend the use of four ounce ramekins, but if you can handle it Chris always uses the eight ounce ramekin.

1/2 Stick + 1 Tbs. Butter 2 Tbs. Powdered Sugar

1 Tbs. Cocoa Powder 1/4 Cup White Sugar

1/8 Cup plus + 1 Tbs. Flour 2 Eggs

6oz. baker's dark chocolate 1 Pinch Salt

3 Tbs. Peanut Butter

1. Preheat oven to 425F (220C). Brush ramekins with melted butter and dust with 1 Tbs. flour mixed with cocoa powder. Set ramekins on baking tray.

2. In saucepan melt butter with chocolate over low heat.

3. Take the leftover melted butter from brushing ramekins and add 3 Tbs. of peanut butter plus 2 Tbs. of powdered sugar, mix well.

4. Mix sugar, eggs, and salt in a medium bowl until well mixed. Fold in melted chocolate until no streaks remain. Fold in 1/8 cup flour.

5. Spoon 1/3 mixture into ramekins. Spoon peanut butter into center of ramekins then cover with remaining mixture. Bake for 10 minutes or until tops are cracked and centers jiggle slightly. Serve hot.

I prefer eating my cake with a scoop of ice cream, Chris prefers his with hokey pokey sauce and chocolate sauce, and Charlotte just eats hers plain. So experiment and see what your preference is. The recipe above makes 4-5 servings in small ramekins (4 ounce) or can make two small ramekins plus one large (8 ounce). If you go the route with 4-5 ramekins you may need to play around with the peanut butter mixture to make sure you're getting enough peanut butter in each ramekin. You may want a lot of peanut butter, you may only want a little.


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