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I'm still wearing children's clothes and I'm a college student...



While shopping with my dad I saw a Snoopy T-shirt. My dad picked up the biggest one which was in the age range of thirteen to fourteen years. It's a little bit on the long side on me and I'll have to grow into it... So yeah, that's an eye opener. I'm a midget. They say I'll 'grow' into it... But I haven't grown in a long time. I'm five foot one! I'm the smallest person in my home, the smallest girl in my college and people often mistake me for a twelve year old. I've heard it all. Words ranging from 'cute' to 'child'. But I am not a child. I'm going to be eighteen next year in June. This year I'm going to be seventeen.

Enough of the down side to being small. I've always found being small and looking so childlike to have many advantages... But I discovered one of those when I used to go to high school. Although that advantage made all of the boys in my year call me a phsycopath. Which I am not. I show my feelings. Just not all of the time... Basically, what happened was, I was sat next to a boy in my English class who kept on poking me in the back. At first I ignored him, but then it irritated me too much. So, when he put his hand on the table I sank my finger nails into the back of his hand. The teacher allowed me to do it because she also disliked him. So that was the first advantage. I could get away with pretty much anything when I was in school. Now that I am in college I have more advantages. Such as my friends swear down to protect me because they worry that I may be helpless. If I ask anyone of them will happily plait my hair and they always off to help me with things.

So, I am small... And... I wouldn't want to be any different! I like my tiny size!


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more power to you ! i have a friend who's 4'11"and we tease her a little bit, but not too much or too nastily.

basically when we play-fight or more play-***** i'll say something like " what ya gonna do ? jump up and bite my anckles ?" she'll usually just punch me in the arm and tell me she could get trapped in my hair ( which is very curly and rarely obeys me )

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It seems like there are a lot of tiny girls in the current college generation. And good for you! It's always nice to see someone who's happy with the way they are. :D

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I'm a guy, 26, 6'-ish tall, but very skinny. A while back I needed to buy a suit for an interview. None of the trousers I could find would fit me, because of my small waist. I had to buy a pair made for a 14-year-old from the children's school section.

Not quite the same as your situation, and I certainly don't get special treatment for it. :P

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I have a story very similar to your bully one

Except it happened in French class, and instead of poking me he'd grab my chair and tilt it so I'd get surprised. The last straw was when he invited his friend to join in scaring me. So I hit him with a few books and almost smashed his face with a steel chair. (I dint hit him with the chair of course......)

I heard he cried after the incident. He was the big bad ass bully type so I guess you can see what I've "accomplished".

For the rest of the year he'd do things like poke me and shut doors in front of my face but getting a "Bad ass" award before the end of the year was totally worth it.

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