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To those who may have been wondering why I was so scarce today/yesterday, I apologize. I was feeling an immeasurable amount of depression and regret and beating-self-up today, which happens sometimes.

Hopefully I'll be back up to speed tomorrow, and I'll get around to replying to posts and such. <3


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I do hope things work out for you..I've known a few people over the years who lost their own personal battles with depression, which is a shame, since the world is alot sadder without them. Just remember things will get better..Maybe not overnight, but they will.

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Thank you, both of you. It really does mean a lot to me to hear such kind words from others. It really is a shame when people don't win against their depression, but it is possible to do. If I can, anyone can. I actually used to be much worse than this, and it's relieving to know that I've gotten better over the years to a point where my depressive bouts won't last for longer than a couple of days.

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