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First Post :)



Hello everypony this is MidnightBard and my blog Brony Meets World. Its a blog chronicling my life (did I spell that right? lol) So I guess I should begin with today and an introduction. Well I'm kind of the school nerd. Into stuff like 40K, D&D, assorted card games and I adore ponies but have always kept it hidden because of the haters at school and my friends. Today was kind of a weird day. On a normal day I lay around and sleep through class and write fan fics (or try to atleast) and never have the courage to even make eye contact with people. But today I still did that but I felt like I was wasting my time not just killing it. I feel like I needed a better friend circle, like i should try to improve me life. But then I felt like well i can't because I'm too weird or too shy. It's just been weird. I don't know if I should try to make some friends and be more open about being a brony or continue being more shy then Fluttershy. Any insite would be useful :) thanks.


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Well... With my circle, someone hated it and brought it up once, and I decided to check it out. From there, I was able to convert most of us into bronies in the end, so win win for me! Of course, there is still random haters, but everything is better with friends, honestly. It all really depends on how well you know your friends and how much they care about you, in my opinion.

(Yeah, I read a lot blogs and then never respond XD)

I wasn't able to get one of my friends to really like ponies until I randomly decided to make him a non consensual ponysona ^_^

Another one was a brony before I was and was just hiding it...

And another just tried it one day after I asked him and decided he liked it! So really, it depends on what type of people your friends are.

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Be a Twilight and make friends :)

yeah! be like twilight and make friends there is most probobly another brony at your school if you find him/her that would make you a friend and someone you can talk about ponies with!!

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