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Conversations with my Brother.



Howdy ya'll

How's everypony doing? Good? Great!

Today I thought I'd talk a little bit about the relationship that my brother and I share. Him and I have been together since, well, since I can remember. We are actually twins, so, yeah. Not identical twins, but the other kind of twins. I forget what we're called. Paternal Twins? Any who, before any ponies run out of the room screaming, "OMG! There's only two of these magnificent stallions left in the world?! I need to get me one!" (yes, its my blog so I'm allowed to toot my own horn) it should be noted that him and I are nothing alike .

Him and I really don't share that much in common. In fact, we are complete opposites in every possible sense of the word. This of course leads to some interesting conversations, especially when it comes to my love of ponies.

When I first discovered the magic that is My Little Pony, the first thoughts that ran through my head were that I had to share it. Much to anypony's surprise, my brother was not the first on my list. I first infected my friends (Magic of friendship, duh) and then I tried my brother. I had just bought my Applejack pony with the brush-able hair. His reaction was well within my expectations...

Me - "Hey dude, you want to see something awesome?"

Bro - "Ugh, okay, what is it?"

Me - *shows first 5 seconds of first episode."

Bro - "AWW DUDE... Are you gay?!"

Me - "Yes, and I'm coming out to you because twincest is wincest..."

Bro - "..."

Me - "All homophobia aside, sit down and watch the first two episodes with me. You may just like it."

Bro - "Ugh, okay..."

So after watching the first two episodes, with breaks between each episode, and convincing him to at least watch "Bridle Gossip" and "Party of one"...

Me - "So?"

Bro - "I've lost all respect for you..."

Me - "I can live with that. So I take it you didn't like it then?"

Bro - "You realize this is for little girls right? Why do you like it?"

Me - "Its entertaining, funny, the plots are awesome, great voice acting, the animation is beautiful, and the characters are endearing."

Bro - *rolls eyes* "Whatever, just... don't fill the apartment with your girly show nonsense."

Me - "Yeah, no, that's not an option..." *take out Applejack still in the box*

Bro - "Aww damn it..."


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Ah, yes, that's the word. Fraternal. I knew it was something-ernal. Him and I have an understanding though. Well, more of an understanding on my end than his.

Once he has made his disdain of something clear and, considering this event occurred a little bit after the end of season 1, he has made it clear on many occasions. I will not push it on him further.

I will admit though that he has provided me with a plethora of conversations that will soon find themselves onto this blog... Mainly because I think they're funny.

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