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I'm not intelligent...



What is intelligence? The dictionary defines intelligence as "capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc." So we are talking about an ability to learn, to retain what we've learned, and to logically use our knowledge to reason and make connection with the thing we see in daily life.

I was called an idiot the other day, nothing major, I wasn't offended to much, until I heard the reason for the harsh words. "You swear, and only stupid people swear because they can't express themselves normally." So launching a debate with this person was inevidable. I have suffered from an extream social-phobic disorder for most of my teenage years, and in that time, I had compleatly shut myself away from the social aspects of the world. I got into writing and my vocabulary grew immensily (Although my spelling still sucked). When I came back into the social world, I could not pick up on any of the social cues that everyone had already mastered. I talked to my classmates like a 13 year old would talk to an older kid (With a distant respect), except my words were longer and more complicated. So there was occasionally times when there would be a gaping hole in my speech, as my extensive vocabulary would cause words to bounce around my head, and make it hard to find the one I wanted to put in the space. So sometimes I would just curse, to buy myself time to think, or to replace the lost word. This was my arguement, while she basically spouted her above statement, with different wording. And then I realized, that this girl was known to have high grades in all her classes.

And she is stupid.

School is something that rates your intelligences by you ability to regurgitate given information onto a sheet of paper, a system that makes you seem smart if you have a good memory. I have a friend, really booksmart guy, 94% average overall. He is intelligent, but not logical. I on the other hand, have a 70% average. I am not intelligent, but I'd like to think I'm logical. Confused? Here this is how I see it;

Intelligent: A person who scores well in school.

Logical: A person who can use logic to make well thought out decisions throughout daily life.

Stupid: Someone who would lack the ability to survive in the outside world with their high intelligence, but lack of logic.

Idiot: Someone who lacks intelligence and logic.

Smart: Someone who has both intelligence and logic.

So as someone who is seen by an idiot, by a stupid girl in my class, as well as the school system, I feel kinda weird trying to change our definition of smart and intelligent, but I personally think the words need some fixing up. I'm not a intelligent... but just maybe, I could be logical.


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