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I'm not intelligent...

What is intelligence? The dictionary defines intelligence as "capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc." So we are talking about an ability to learn, to retain what we've learned, and to logically use our knowledge to reason and make connection with the thing we see in daily life. I was called an idiot the other day, nothing major, I wasn't offended to much, until I heard the reason for



MLP: Love and tolerate?

I recently got into a conversation with a friend of mine, who has verbally voiced his distaste for bronies for a while now, and I, knowing this from before I became one, never brought it up with him. But today casually I said I was doing research on popular internet groups, and bronies were one of them. I asked him why does he dislike them so much, and he responded with the classic "It's a show for little girls, and it's creepy for older guys to watch it." I proceded to point out that if older w



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