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We Have Water!



Do you ever think how lucky you are for having running water at any time of the day? Do you ever feel lucky that when you've been to the toilet, you can flush it? Do you ever feel lucky that you can have a shower or a bath in the morning?

I took water for granted. It was always there. All I had to do was turn on a tap, the shower or flush the toilet. But then it all changed...

On Tuesday one of the pipes began to leak. To prevent the house from flooding, the water had to be turned off at the mains. We had to live off rationed water. We had two pans of water and that was it. Every last drop had to be used wisely. I couldn't have a shower. I couldn't flush the toilet. It I wanted to wash, I had to boil a tiny amount of water in the kettle and that was all I could have. I had never missed having water so much until then.

It wasn't until today that the pipe was repaired. I went four days without running water. Those four days were the most horrid days of my life so far. As soon as the pipe was fixed I was the first person to take a shower. That shower felt so good and I have never felt so lucky that I could shower again.

So next time you leave the tap running while your brushing your teeth, you might want to think twice about saving water. You never know... One day it could happen to you like it did to me.

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It did happen to me !

During my vacations in Algeria (to see my girlfriend) water was cut off - frequently, but not as frequently as before for them. The cuts I experienced never lasted more than a few days.

Still, they were prepared. We lived off reserves they made. It did meant no shower and all ... but I wasn't one to complain. :3 It was an interesting experience.

Four days on two pans of water is extreme though. No buckets filled with water and covered ? No bottles no nothing ? Harsh. I hope it doesn't happen to you again !

I have lived without electricity as well. This is an interesting experience too - the night is really really dark, and candlelight sucks. Plus, no fridge.

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