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The Thoughts Of An Insomniac At Midnight



What is sleep? Sleep is the enemy of the insomniac... For anyone who wonders what an insomniac is, I am an example of one. An insomniac has abnormal sleep patterns. They either not sleep at all for days on end or they wake up in the middle of the night, unable to get back to sleep. I don’t sleep. Granted, that I’ll close my eyes... But I can hear every word said that goes on around me. I can hear the sound of the rain outside, beating down on the window. I can hear my brother’s TV when it is on a low volume. I hear it all and tighten my closed eye lids. If you locked me in a sound proof room, I’d be rocking from one side to the next while blankly staring at a wall. Without the comforting sounds of the world around me, I’d begin to think about the world around me. What’s going on tomorrow? I’ll have to let the day play its self out. I am unable to see the events in the distant future and yet, that is what I’m thinking of right now... Strange, isn’t it?

Only one person can put me to sleep. It is due to a scent hormone that is released from her neck. The scent acts in the same way as chloroform. It knocks me out cold. She is one of only a few people who produce this scent and not all people will react to it or even pick it up... If only that scent could be bottled. I’d be asleep by now. But it were to be bottled, other insomniacs would crave the scent an my friend would become over worked with orders for her aroma to be sent to them. No... I wouldn't want her to have all of that pressure firmly resting on her shoulders. I'll let her hug me when I go back to college, so that her scent will put me to sleep. A refreshing little sleep. Oh, that sounds wonderful.

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