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Day 1 of Hobbes' Quest



Day 1

Hobbes' Quest

After narrowly escaping the clutches of my nemesis, Dilly Dally, I have come to the realization that it is imperative for me to keep some record of my adventures. I was very nearly captured and I have never felt so vulnerable. I am meant to be predator, not prey! But this Dilly Dally is persistent... He is never far behind me, always waiting for the opportune moment to pounce.

Perhaps I should tell you what happened today... I had embarked on a very ambitious journey to create and mold a new world from the remnants of a previous Creator's work. This task is difficult. All it takes is one minor Deviation and everything I have worked to achieve will come crumbling down. I work very hard to maintain the realism of this new Creation, while striving to ensure the message remains true to the Creator's vision.

Yet during this journey, Dilly Dally struck, and struck hard. I felt myself being pulled from my work. As I was sliding into the realm of my most hated foe, I reached out and managed to snag a loose thought. The adrenaline pumped through my veins as I dragged myself back into the realm of Productivity.

My ordeal had only just begun. This left me weak and vulnerable, and in need of a rest. I was in no shape to Create. I left to find nourishment. It felt good to stretch my limbs and leave the Creation behind for a moment. I retreated to my nearby cache of sustenance and sated my need for food.

It was at this time that Dilly Dally chose to strike again. I had just settled back in to work on my Creation, when Dilly Dally presented a most tantalizing distraction. I had come across an unfamiliar string of symbols, and was very eager to discover its meaning. However, my research led me to discover another chain of symbols that I did not understand. I expanded my work to include this new oddity.

This continued on repeatedly, and exponentially. I soon found myself facing down the impossible task of learning and understanding thousands of years of history in one night! It was at this time that a horrible realization dawned upon me. Dilly Dally had captured me without alerting me to his presence. It was only a stroke of luck; the timely intervention of an associate of mine that saved me.

I cannot allow Dilly Dally to win. It is a daily struggle, keeping him at bay. No matter what I do, Dilly Dally is always waiting. Even now, I can sense him close by. He is preparing to drag me from my new duties of preserving my life in written form. His mere presence is distracting me; I am unsure how much longer I can continue.

For now, I must rest. Dilly Dally cannot reach me in my sleep, and I need to be prepared for the inevitable confrontations to come. With luck, I will return soon.

Forever vigilant,


(Hobbes' Quest is designed to be a very silly and loose interpretation of various bland, dull, and otherwise insignificant moments of my life)


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