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Week 3 of Hobbes' Quest



Week 3

Hobbes' Quest

Has it been so long since I last chronicled my travels? It has indeed... Yet that is a good sign. For my nemesis, Dilly Dally, has been silent as of late.

No, I have not been idle these last few weeks. I find myself in a strange new location which I now call home. The task of moving my possessions was daunting, and I fear that I have accumulated a distressing amount of miscellaneous garbage. Much of it has now been discarded.

Yet despite my recent good fortune, there is a downside... Now that I have freed myself from those unnecessary items, I have fewer things with which to occupy my time. Already, Dilly Dally approaches. Why, even as I unpacked the last few boxes, I found myself taking copious amounts of time to browse the internet. Unpacking was such a simple task, yet I found myself strangely drawn to the latest discussions.

Talk of the outside world. Of happy things. Like ponies. Ponies are a curious sort. They are nothing like tigers, and seem to be quite divisive. Whereas tigers are universally recognized as supreme, there is no general consensus on ponies. I myself am rather fond of them. They are rather cuddly (though they have nothing on myself), and they are quite entertaining.

They are also distracting. It is a sad truth. How can something so cute and innocent be an agent of my most hated enemy? Those creatures draw me in with their mere presence and trap me. It is only through sheer will that I am ever able to tear myself away from their enchanting grip. They are deceptively inviting and even knowing their evil ways, I still am not able to resist their power.

But is it so wrong to enjoy something that brings joy to my heart? One might say yes, if it interferes with necessities of life. But what if it is those very necessities that create the need for such joy in the first place? Is it so wrong to flee the world for a brief time to enjoy something pure and innocent?

My heart says no, but I know that is not the right answer. I know that Dilly Dally is always trying to lull me into a false sense of security. This is just another attempt to capture me, and keep me from success. It would be so easy to acquiesce and enter into a world of fantasy and wonder. It would be so easy to end my struggle to achieve Productivity. Yet I find that I cannot.

For freedom, for liberty, for a better world. It is to these goals that I aspire. The world seems content to idle alongside Dilly Dally. But I must fight on. And though it pains me to say, the path to my goals lies not through ponies, but through Hard Work and Perseverance. Perhaps, if I am careful, I may stop and make time for ponies. But I must always be alert and ready, lest they trap me and keep me.

Forever guarded,


(Hobbes' Quest is designed to be a very random and loose interpretation of various bland, dull, and otherwise insignificant moments of my life... as though I were a stuffed tiger)


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