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Dorm Life - Part 1



What's up, Canterlot?! :D

(say 'the ceiling' and I'll murder you)

So I'm finally settled in the UK. I've only been here for a week and I'm quite thankful for the things I've got right now (I HAZ A TOASTER! :D) and the friendly people I've met. :)

It was definitely a long trip from home though, since I had to take two plane trips and one train ride to get to the city Leeds. :?

For the record, the one week I spent staying in my dorm flat, I fooled into thinking that I was sharing it with a couple of ninjas, or ghosts...or just really, really shy people.


You see, I'm living in a dorm where the only thing that's shared between students is the hallway and kitchen, so you get a bedroom and bathroom to yourself. So most of the time there's no reason to leave your room other than to get something to eat or to leave. Cosy, ain't it?

Now, I do enjoy my personal space, but I try to break the habit of sitting in for too long and not meeting anyone new, so I would leave my room to pretend to get stuff to eat so I could meet some of the flat mates. In one whole day I'd get up almost five times to 'get something to eat' and I wouldn't see a single person around. Ever. Not one! The freezer and fridge were even empty most of the time. All I'd see are some eggs and a bottle of milk that's always half empty...or full or whatever.

I thought I was going nuts! Are the flat mates really that shy that they'd stay in their rooms and order take out and not put anything in the fridge for later? We're all five people. That's quite a lot. Ninjas on diets, I tell you!

I got so desperate to meet them that when I'd stay in my room, I'd hear a noise out so I'd open the door as fast as I can to check if anyone was around. And guess what? No one.

In the end, I got so desperate that at night I would turn off the hallway light to see if there's light coming out of their rooms from the bottom of their door in case anyone's even in...to at least satisfy my ever growing curiosity if these people even exist.

Forever alone, or perfectly natural?



Recommended Comments

Dude your living with the whole sprite sheet of ninja gaiden! You just walk in and *SWOOSH* they are gone! Lure them out with some Animal Crackers. No one can withstand Animal Crackers.

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