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Ok, So I decided to try out blogging, I dont get it though. Do people really take time out of their day to read about other peoples days? It seems rather dull if you ask me. But If it makes other happy hell.. Anyway, I guess I could start with this week end. It was pretty eventful all considering the weather. We finally hit about 70 degrees this Friday. It was amazing. I got to go outside and to some photography with a skater buddy of mine, We did some really cool stop-motion shots and I also got to experiment with Natural lighting. I got two really good shots. But who cares about that? If you do, Go check out my DeviantArt Page.. Any way. Tomorrow I have school, And I actually enjoy school. When Im not stressing out about homework or tests, Its rather enjoyable, Tomorrow I have Digital Media, Drivers Ed. English (I love English, Were reading To Kill A mocking bird. Which I think is really good) And Lastly I have Food's 1. In Digital media were getting into animation so thats fun. Although Im mostly interested in taking Digital Photography next year. Ive got a Nikon D3100. I love my camera, I take it every where basically. You never really know when something cool can happen, I just like having it next to me. I also am taking 3D Design and 3D Animation next year so that should be fun. I get to use Blender, Witch I have little experience with. All I know how to do is make a texture on a simple block. Then copy and past that block. I can never figure out how to make a new frame, Guess Im just stupid like that. I usually walk to school. Its about 1 Mile, But I dont mind, Gives me time to clear my head and listen to music. So Its fun.. Idk, Im getting really off topic. But I dont care. Its my blog after all. Im surprised if your still reading at this point.. Heres a cookie *Gives imaginary cookie* I think thats enough about my boring life for now.. So yeh. Byes


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Yes people do read other people's blog. XD. However it doesn't have to be about your day. It could be about anything. I have a blog called Sincerly Time Spinner, where I talk about RPing but soon that's going to evolve to things done in bronies, by bronies, or for bronies. Like fighting is magic being cancelled and turnabout storm and things like that. (I also write it as Time Spinner because I thought That would be fun.)

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Yes people do read other people's blog. XD. However it doesn't have to be about your day. It could be about anything. I have a blog called Sincerly Time Spinner, where I talk about RPing but soon that's going to evolve to things done in bronies, by bronies, or for bronies. Like fighting is magic being cancelled and turnabout storm and things like that. (I also write it as Time Spinner because I thought That would be fun.)

Sounds interesting.. Ill keep that in mind.

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