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My Roleplay Life



It's been awhile since I have been roleplaying before I came to Canterlot. These sites are my first sites I've joined for the roleplay and community for all my life.

StarFox-Online (I was into that just because. I haven't played a single game! D:) http://www.starfox-online.net/index

Camp Half-Blood (A Percy Jackson mostly RP site) http://www.camphalfblood.org/

I totally forgot the name of this furry site I joined once....

I tried Soul Eater roleplay, but the site wasn't active.....

Hogwarts Extreme (Harry Potter Role Play: http://www.hexrpg.com/ This is like a legit roleplay site! They ask you a brief personality thing that sorts you into a house. Then they have really awesome navigation to threads and stuff. They even have wizard "classes" with the books and everything. ERMAGERD. So cool. But then I dropped out. :/

Canterlot Community and RolePlay (An awesome site with great staff and other users. FOR DEM PONY LOVERS.) http://www.canterlot.com

I am not sure what contents these sites I listed hold. I'm defintely sure that there isn't a whole lot of badsies since these sites, I remember, had good rules (honestly). Oh but that sixth one, STRONGLY not for youngsters! But for realz beware!

I don't remember why I started to roleplay. It was maybe I was just sucked in. Then I began to join other sites that had the same interests as me. This was probably a 2-3 year period of RP'ing.

But roleplay for my experience increased my passion for imagination and writing. I guess I could say writing is some interest/hobby I hold. Or maybe roleplaying and writing are both the same level on my interest list. .... Yeah roleplaying's a hobby..... Hm.

Then there's the community behind along with it. I stalk on by just to hear what others are saying then add my thoughts. The other users become my internet buddies and we all fun here and there.

Thank you guys for being awesome to sum it up. You guys are probably the reason why I am able to relate my pony thoughts and art without others being so confused and label me "pony freak" and "ponies all the time." (Maybeeee.... :-| ) Aaand the reason I'm not on Facebook all the time when I'm on the comp. :razz:

So now, I revisit the sites and see how's it going, who's on, and who's who! Err....

Well then, Frosty signing out!


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