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Lonesome Roads



First off, hooray for the blog, and first post and all that.

Second off, a little setup. See, I have a fun little habit, occasionally I'll go on rather long walks simply because I can. Maybe I'm a tad over-inspired by Lord of the Rings, but I have forever asociated walking with adventures, so whenever I feel a little intrepid I'll just go out for a stroll. Actually, sometimes the weirdest things wind up happening. Once I was invited to a Mormon dance party by an acquaintance I ran into, but that's a different story.

Today's story is about my favorite spot in the world. See, I live in a gated community, but the whole thing is located up on a hill and surrounded by forests. On most sides, or at least the closest one, the hillside is rather laden with trails. One particular trail, paved with asphalt and running by black berry bushes and evergreen patches. Now, if you follow the trail, eventually you'll just pop up along one of the main roads that leads up to the community, but somewhere along the path there's a bit of a clearing. The trail pools out into a circular platform almost, the treeline ends abruptly, and a rather shoddy chain link fence pops up at the edge (remember - its a hill).

This little clearing is my favorite spot in the world. Why? Well, the view helps. Looking over the fence, which only comes up to my waist anyways, one has a perfect view of a golf course. Next to that is the main road, which becomes flat and straight as it curves into the bottom of the hill. The road goes to the horizon line, or at least to the hill marking the opposite side of the valley that my hill overlooks. The road also introduces a new style of architecture. Rather than being built according to elevation and curved roads, the buildings in the valley are, of course built into square plots. I'm fairly certain they're industrial in nature, because one or two of them look like packaging buildings.

So why do I love the view so much? Its not the best I've seen, but its still my favorite because it is perfect in imperfection. Its industrial factories next to a golf course. Simulated nature and civilization surrounded by in-numerous patches of large, imposing trees. It is the finest example of contrast I've ever seen in a landscape, but its a bit more than that. I don't know why, but that place is my favorite spot because I just think better there. Nothing really becomes clearer, but everything just... feels isolated. Calmer. If I believed in universal symbolism I'd say the straight road represents an unblocked mind while the golf course represents a carefully maintained process. Being a valley of course, all this is locked up by the limitations of the horizon It doesn't really go on forever, far from it. It is ultimately finite.

I don't think I can really give it proper justice, but that's today's story.

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Golf courses! :D I love playing in them!

Actually, my favorite spot would be the bike road. It's somehow closer to nature, a temporal escape to the stress in life.

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