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A collection of unrelated reflections and opinions

Entries in this blog

A day has been made

So, I believe I've established I like walks, right? Good. I just had a brief encounter that made me feel awesome, so here goes. To set the scene, I was in a gated community - very suburban. Houses on either side, well maintained grass, the whole works. So there I was, simply walking along the aptly-if-not-inanely-named side walk, when ahead of me I see two kids just kinda playing with chalk on the same side I was on. It was fairly bright out, so you know, this is the kinda thing you'd expect to



Its the little things

I'll keep this post rather short and sweet, because I really don't have much to share this time. Today, I achieved a minor feeling of ingenuity. How, you may ask? Please hold your questions 'till the end of the seminar, I'd reply. Anyways, I figured out how to turn off my bedroom light without leaving my bed by using a thumbtack, my door knob, three shoelaces tied together, and a rubberband. All I have to do is pull on the shoe lace(s), which is wrapped around the currently off light switch and



Lonesome Roads

First off, hooray for the blog, and first post and all that. Second off, a little setup. See, I have a fun little habit, occasionally I'll go on rather long walks simply because I can. Maybe I'm a tad over-inspired by Lord of the Rings, but I have forever asociated walking with adventures, so whenever I feel a little intrepid I'll just go out for a stroll. Actually, sometimes the weirdest things wind up happening. Once I was invited to a Mormon dance party by an acquaintance I ran into, but that



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