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Too Many Ideas!



I have too many ideas. For threads, for characters, for what characters could do in threads. It's scary because I'm afraid that I'll keep getting more ideas before I see my current ones come to full flower. I've never been all that good at finishing anything.

First of all, I have a Tier 2 cast app that's more or less ready to go. I'm just going to let it sit on my computer for a few days longer before finalizing and sending it away.

Now, as far as OCs go, I'm full of ideas. A lot of these ideas stem from my desire to sort of build a fuller society. WoE has a lot of different and interesting characters, but there is definitely an over-abundance of musicians, adventurers and travellers and not so many small-business owners and ponies who are willing to keep their four hooves in one place. Where are the ponies who provide the basic infrastructure of society? The teachers, the nurses, the doctors, the bankers? Where are ones who have the full-time jobs and don't have all this free time to go gallivanting all over Equestria to seek adventure?

My currently approved OCs, Whirligig and Stormwing, both have full time jobs and permanent homes and I'm always having a hard time coming up with a reason for them to leave home. So now I get why people want to RP ponies who travel a lot for work, or who somehow manage to earn a living by being an adventurer. That doesn't make it a trope I want to buy into myself, though. Maybe it's because I've moved - I've had my life completely uprooted and plonked in a new town in a new country on a new continent and while I wouldn't say it traumatized me, I would say it's made me not so keen on travelling and seeing the world.

Some of my OC ideas are:

  • Rook: A Diamond Dog who is strong and powerful and an exemplary miner who still fears the world that lies beyond the borders of her family's territory. Rook is actually [Ready] in the application section, just waiting for her to be approved.
  • Vanilla Latte: A barista, cafe owner and busybody in Trottingham, who is also currently on the town council. She wants to be mayor of the town one day.
  • Windygust: Stormwing and Whirligig's mother. Her app is tricky because she's a single mum; going into too much detail about her father wouldn't be WoE-acceptable, but leaving him out entirely just makes the whole thing seem incomplete. I'm working on her app at the moment and I think I may have found a way to make it work. I don't have many ideas as to what I would do with her specifically, but I think since she has such a close relationship with her children and her children have a close relationship with her, it would be nice to bring her into some of their threads.
  • Bright Calcite: A crystal pony! Bright Calcite is a primary school teacher in the Crystal Empire. All I've got for her so far. :P
  • A Unicorn doctor who lives in Cloudsdale. No, seriously, hear me out. Ponies don't have a lot of electrical and technological advancements that we do. Some would claim that the reason for this could be that they can replicate the effects of this with unicorn magic. Unicorn magic would be MOST useful, I feel, in medicine - spells could be developed to replicate the effects of MRIs, CAT-scans, and ultra-sounds, as well some healing spells. Not every doctor has to be a Unicorn - I'm sure there are earth ponies and pegasus ponies who make excellent doctors in the world of Equestria, but you can't deny that access to unicorn magic would make the entire practice easier. This Unicorn realized this, and he also realized that Cloudsdale, being only occupied by Pegasi, is at a serious disadvantage. So he learns a cloud-walk spell and makes a home in Cloudsdale where he is a busy, busy, busy doctor in the Cloudsdale Hospital.

Ideas I'm ditching:

  • My ponysona, Afouria: The only reason I'm not going to make her WoE-playable is that I love the cutie mark too much. Three spiral-bound notebooks and two ballpoint pens. This is because I have an obsession with notebooks - I have two full shelves stacked full of random notebooks containing random ideas that probably should never see the light of day. In the WoE, these would have to be changed to parchments and quills. And parchments and quills aren't as colourful as spiral-bound notebooks. Also, I actually really have no idea what I would do with her/how she would behave in the RP so it's not a huge deal that I won't be able to play her. For now, she can just sit in my profile picture and look pretty. :)
  • Belle Voyage: Belle Voyage was a Unicorn whose special talent is travel, specifically in the form of teleportation. Ditched her a) when I found out that teleportation is discouraged in WoE RP threads, and b) when I decided there were enough ponies travelling Equestria without adding her to the crowd of ponies popping in and out of the most random of locations.

With each of the aforementioned ponies comes a whole slew of "supporting" character ideas. Rook was conceptualized as a joint effort between myself and Quicklime to be a supporting character for her OC, Kalime (the two are littermates). If anyone else has ever considered apping a Diamond Dog, please, please, please do and we shall be most certain to include you in our fun!

I just felt like writing all this stuff down somewhere. Thanks to everyone who read this far, you're awesome! :)

- Jane


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WoE has a lot of different and interesting characters, but there is definitely an over-abundance of musicians, adventurers and travelers and not so many small-business owners and ponies who are willing to keep their four hooves in one place.

In my experience, unless the users apping such characters are really committed to RPing, these sorts of characters tend to come... and go. So really, it all cancels out in the end... even if we have to pour through several musician apps a month, lol.

But yeah, I think we share similar philosophies when it comes to thinking about apping ponies. I do my best to have my characters come from all walks of life. So far I've got a discount store owner, elitist archaeologist, REA colonel, zebra chieftan, sheriff-wannabe, magic counselor, magic student, streetwise filly, museum curator, marine wildlife caretaker, weather factory worker, pawn shop owner (and part-time adventurer), and an airworthy recipe for disaster as all part of my RP roles. As you can see, I make all efforts to keep my personal cast as diverse as possible. :D

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In my defense on the musician thing. Light is my only musician and I made him to be like me. Since I am a musician in real life :) haha

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My two main WOE characters are gadget and Time, one's a historian and one's an inventor. I like the idea of staying in one area for a job or business. My only artist is Diamond dust and that's just because she is a crystal pony and they all have to do with art. (At least from what I remember from something posted here.)

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I don't seem to have that issue. Quite the opposite actually, it seems I'm using all my creativity in different fields of life :P

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