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A day has been made



So, I believe I've established I like walks, right? Good. I just had a brief encounter that made me feel awesome, so here goes.

To set the scene, I was in a gated community - very suburban. Houses on either side, well maintained grass, the whole works. So there I was, simply walking along the aptly-if-not-inanely-named side walk, when ahead of me I see two kids just kinda playing with chalk on the same side I was on. It was fairly bright out, so you know, this is the kinda thing you'd expect to see out here, but I digress. By the time I had reached them, they, being kids and thusly possessing the attention spans of kids, had run off. So it was just me, and I happened to glance down and see a hopscotch mat drawn on the cement.

Now, these kids were, again, kids, so it wasn't a perfect board, but it was pretty darn good if I do say so myself and I do. Now, when one is presented with a hopscotch field obstructing the path, one is left with very few options. So, I jumped along. How could I not? The equivalent of passing up such an event is akin to deciding oxygen is overrated. You just do it. So I did it. And, to my surprise I found I still had some onlookers.

As I soon found out, the aforementioned kids had not vanished, but rather they ducked inside a nearby garage for whatever reason. And, as I finished the glorious throwback to a youth left not too long ago (I myself am not that terribly old), I discovered their presence from a hushed whisper. The whisper in question was, I kid you not:

"How did he do that?" So, its safe to assume that A: they were struggling with it, and B: I had inspired awe in youth. How can that not make someones day? Now, because I felt rather upbeat, I walked off with a bit of a strut, and pushed my glasses back up the bridge of my nose. They tend to slip off frequently, but I digress again. The real kicker of the story is that, as I did that, the other kid said:

"He wears glasses?" Now, even as I type that, I have no idea what he meant. Was it a random observation, or was he simple stating a valid question. Did he have a high opinion of four-eyes like me, or was he taking a more scornful tone? I don't know. For all I know, he could have been referring to a visually challenged Slenderman just behind me and I wouldn't know.

But yeah, just thought I'd share that one.


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