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The little people who are big in my RP life. Chapter 1



Hey there Everybody, Neo here! Time Spinner's sick so I said I'd take over and boy is this one big! This is a thank you to everybody who helped me in my RolePlay life. This was done in a random order and the amount of people is large so if I miss you I'm so sorry! I know that as time goes on their might be more people to thank so if I miss you here, you'll probably be in the next one. So let's get started.

QuickLime is someone who has helped me almost since the beginning. She helped me with my first App of Time Spinner in Crossovers and ever since I have been a fan. From creating characters to the blogs that she writes, she always does something that I never regret reading. She also inspired me to write this article and is someone I look up to in the community. We both share the fact that both our usernames have two Capital letters in them. She always loves to help others and is really good at it. It's something I would love to do in the community. Plus one of my favorite animals is a raven which she's the queen of.

StarSwirl is next on the list. Starswirl helped with the creation of Time 2.0 and never once got frustrated. He loves science (Like I do.) and is someone who I know if I ever have a question about the community I can ask him. Star Swirl caught on to the Samurai Jack references that are in Time's Backstory that no one else brought up. He's really good at what he does and his avatar picture always makes me laugh.

StarStorm also helped with Time 2.0 and is someone I have roleplayed with. Her characters or scamps as she calls them have always been very good and even provided a Love interest for my character: Pocket Watch, despite all the love triangles going on in the RP. It was also one of my favorites though Left Behind was never finished.

Rosewind is someone that I'm sure has no idea who I am but I'm thanking anyways. She's always doing so much for us and is the admin I see all the time, everywhere I go. She's also I hear a really good friend and seems like someone I would love to RP with but she might get frustrated with a newbie like me.

QueenChrysalis747 is someone I've roleplayed with for a long time. He does a really good job as Chrysalis or Liesha in our latest RP. I love the character and he's not bad at Roleplaying either. All through out our time he taught me about redemption of characters, something I may decide to use in my next RP. If I remember correctly he also took part in my first RP Hearts and hooves day.

Quillhart was a user who I don't know the fate of. He also took part in Hearts and hooves day but I don't know if he is still on Canterlot anymore. I haven't heard from him in a while but he did get me to start on my youtube channel and I will never regret it.

Lovinity is someone who is supposed to be lower on the list but I put her up here since I also don't know her fate. She may be somehwhere else but I have not seen her in a while. She made Hearts and hooves day and if it wasn't for that RP I may not have been on Canterlot for as long as I have been.

Saronyx is a newcomer to my group of thanks that I wasn't sure would make it but his portrayal of Shimmer and Velocity were simply outstanding, and according to the legacy timeline, Time Spinner is engaged to Shimmer. He did a very good job with these characters and I think I can call him a friend out of this group of misfits we are!

I couldn't forget my friend Frosty, the artist of my Profile pic and a great person I have known. Whether she's going through hard times or not she is an amazing friend and I enjoy RPing with her, she's also the voice actor for Swift Blitz!

ShadowBolt is another friend of mine who does a really good job RPing and voice acting. While being the voice of Deity he is also a good friend of mine and has an amazing accent. He is someone who helped me a lot with Destiny, which still has not been released...I need to find more voice actors...

|||D3LTA||| is one more that has done a lot. Whether he's RPing as the artist Silver Star or as the photographer of the wonderbolts, Angelsnapp, he does a really good of it. He's someone who has done a lot and has been their since the beginning.

FrostFauna is another one who did a really good job of all the cutie marks in the heroes of the legacy bar below, except Time's. He is a good friend of mine and the only other one besides Frosty to give me a cutie mark. Actually he gave me 3 of them! He's a great artist of Cutie Marks.

Now the last one wasn't on the randomizer, I decided to save him for the end because I really do think he's a good friend, probably the best friend I've had here on Canterlot. His name is Daboom444. While also being their form the beginning of Hearts and hooves day he also is a sweet roleplayer and was the first person to tell me that I was doing this whole Roleplaying thing right. He's made the academy series which tugged the Legacy storyline right along and caused a lot of good things to happen. He's a great RolePlayer and is one of the best people I've met here, though your all great.

These are the people I have to thank but I'm not done yet. You, yes you reading this I also have to thank. If you weren't reading this then I don;t know if any of this would happen. It's because people see and enjoy my work that cause me to write these things and it's because of you guys that I can do this. Thank you.


Not Time Spinner but close Enough, NeoExlucky


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