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School! (Pt. 2, My Awesome Friends)



Am I really going to make a series out of this? -.- I dunno. But this entry will be about the people I have met this year! All the new kids~! (My shirt expresses my happiness aka the Fluttershy "yay" shirt.)

I have been *trying* to make new friends this year because last year I, you can say, hanged out with one person which was my best friend. So after the last entry you know I have a new roommate. This year she is new to our school. During our open house, when I first met her we were friends already. Then at the end of the year, I realized that her application for school was accepted. I signed me up to be roommates with her.

Let's call her Raina. It is her nickname that she uses and I never use (for an I-don't-know reason).

Raina came from a school where people bullied her. (You: So you are saying she is a special snowflake!??!)



I'm going to try and not put this in a rude way, but Raina's face is deformed. I forgot the medical term (or whatever) to it, but you know what I mean. She is semi-blind in her left eye, I mean that she can see movement in her eye. That is it. People, unfortunately, made fun of her about it.

First time I met her I tried to go past the face. When her personality showed, she was a friendly and light-hearted person. The more I know about her, she tells me that she is a smart-aleck. Then she cusses a lot. xD Raina is that type of friend who would defend her friends. (But she can't stand up for herself??? I dunno.) I hope Raina grows a little more this year as if she was a character in a story. *squee*

Moving on.

GreyEyes. That is my friend's last name. But it's actually a lie because her eyes are brown. :roll: But for now we'll refer to her as GreyEyes. Two capitals letters, no space. The information of her right now is in progress, but this is what I have about her. (I'm so weird....) When you first met her she is the quiet and shy type. But I know for a fact she is one crazy *freak* I MEAN friend! I like to poke at her both physically and in a joking manner. But when I'm around her I get so witty that I make awesome jokes. The jokes about her name are the best. It's so funny. We could write a comedy together, hm I dunno.

She likes Mountain Dew. Period. She goes nuts. Our school went on a Town Trip and we went to Wal-Mart. She was at the entrance when I was picking up a 2 liter bottle of it for my room. I knew GreyEyes would love it because she told me her love for Mtn. Dew before. So I found her in the crowd of our group and showed her the bottle. GreyEyes screamed, ran, and tackled me.

"IT'S OVER THERE! GET YOUR OWN!" I screamed at her pointing at the sodas that were on display.

Another way of me finding out who she is, is by reading her story she is in progress of making right now. Raina and I realized that GreyEyes was writing her story of her being here at my Christian boarding school. Even though it comes with spelling errors, I'm pretty excited that we have some kind of Historian. But it's creepy to think about she is writing about your single move she observes.


Her next chapter is going to be how Raina was underneath GreyEyes' small table and how I placed a pillow on her face. Woo-hoo....

I have a few more friends, but I'll just leave it there. Thanks for reading! :D

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