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In which I talk about my dreams and a future project of mine



Now that I've calmed down from a few other things and finally have a chance to post this I'm gonna. This is the blog post where I talk about my future and other things that are coming up. So let's get started. Now for those of you who don't know, I love video games. I grew up playing video games, my family is a bunch of gamers, and I go to gaming conventions, like gencon. Roleplaying really added to my love of gaming, giving me chance to think about a character in a new perspective. I'm always thinking about my future and it's because of video games that I know what I want to do with my life. I want to become a video game designer. Now I've played with game making programs before such as RPG maker, game maker, blender etc. and I've had so much fun making these games. I'm only sixteen now but I know I'll have a fun time designing characters, dungeons, and the like. RPG games have always been a favorite to me and it's because of RPG maker that I've learned how to make them. Which is my future project, to make an RPG. Now I could go about this RPG pretty differently and I've been thinking through what kind of RPG I want to do. After some time I wanted a pony RPG game using characters I've created and canon characters. That grew into asking permission to from you guys to use some of your characters as well, and soon I found myself making a video game directed towards the users of canterlot, all with inside jokes we'd understand. Then after an hour of playing final fantasy 13 I was thinking of a way to incorporate a paradigm shift mechanic into the game. The ideas kept popping up about what kind of game it could be, what mechanics it should have, and characters to use. I had over 140 characters I needed to ask permission for, that was how many ideas I got. Then I got one idea that I really love, it was already going to be a game made for canterlot, so why not make them game about canterlot? That's the idea I'm going by. So with that in mind, the name was changed to Canterlot and the characters became users. Of course I haven't gotten to work on the actual game, since I still need permission to use users as characters but my ideas began to swell and now, I'm going to try and make an RPG about canterlot using the members here as characters. Now not all of them would be party members or main characters mind you, Rosewind, for an example, made a great boss in my head. So with that in mind, I'm going to be sending out some messages asking for people to be characters in the game. The game will be free, It will be at E to T possibly for some language and suggestive themes. The game still needs a lot of work put towards it and if anyone knows of any great RTP packs (for free) or some characters, I'd be eternally grateful. Also your character (if in game) will be based off of what I think you look like, Let's say QuickLime was a character, she'd have black short hair, wear glasses, probably use swords and daggers, etc. Anyways Canterlot that's all I have for now, I need to get to some work on a few other things I'm gonna do.


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So playing other users to roleplay? :razz:

Playing other user's who roleplay in a game about roleplaying in a roleplay website that's actually a roleplay town with the ability to roleplay your OC as a character in a roleplay of Roleplay...roleplay-ception...

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