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How to properly request Free Art



There are some guidelines to how one should go about requesting something! Art is no different! Art takes a lot of time, effort, drive, and passion to do and a gift of art is a wonderful thing! I am going to give you some rules on how one should properly request art. (Note these are not official site rules, but my own personal ones)

  1. Get to know the community first! Don't be that one jerk that JUST joined, has 4 posts, and instantly comes to the request area to get free art, be it of your cutie mark or your character; You should spend time to get to know the people around you.
  2. Be POLITE. Ask nicely in your thread, say please, and if someone fulfills your request THANK THEM! They took time out of their day to make you something for FREE so show some appreciation for that work.
  3. Be REASONABLE! Don't request a two+ character drawing with a background AND color for free, This takes time and TIME is money. Don't think that just because they are drawing it on a computer it's a quick thing they can bang out in an hour.
  4. Describe what you want FULLY in your first post, do not request something and then start tackling requests onto your original request.

Do NOT be greedy! If an artist gives you a gift of art you say thanks, you do NOT instantly ask them for another piece, wait a while, and in fact maybe do something nice for them as a thank you

Keep in mind the work, effort, and passion that goes into an art piece, think about how you would feel if someone asked you to make something for them, you made it, and then they instantly demanded more without so much as a thanks.

Remember there is a HUMAN behind the screen doing something kind

Don't beg, don't be rude, and be grateful :D


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21 hours ago, bronypony880 said:

well thanks for this! i know why i have had no luck in other places. thanks for the info!

You proceeded to send me a post breaking all of those rules, I don't think you absorbed it very well.... 8I

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On 11/3/2016 at 0:32 PM, bronypony880 said:

well thanks for this! i know why i have had no luck in other places. thanks for the info!


6 hours ago, QuickLime said:

You proceeded to send me a post breaking all of those rules, I don't think you absorbed it very well.... 8I

Please do listen to Quicklime, @bronypony880...

He/she-I would believe-sent the exact same request to me as to you, QL~

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