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On Fallout: Equestria



[WARNING: Some spoilers will be included]

Fallout: Equestria is more then the sum of it's parts.

That's quite a statment in this case, I know. It's parts are one of the most popular gaming series of all time and the show that brought us all to Canterlot.com. I can be prone to hyperbole too, but I think this statement is dead accurate. And the reason why is quite simple.

Fallout serves to bring the grit and darkness that provides a contrast that really allows the bright Little Pony heart to shine.

There's no arguing that the story falls into the category of grimdark. In the first few chapters, we're shown in no unclear terms just what the Equestrian Wasteland has done to the ponies who live in it. From slavers who capture the story's protaginist, to the raiders who shoot at them just because, to the fellow captive who turns on her once they're free as a matter of survival. We're shown in no uncertain terms evey level of horror that ponies have fallen to in very short order. And that's just the average pony, never mind the other horrors. The Wasteland, even the Equestrian Wasteland, will beat you down. And it's relentless.

But that's not all there is to the story, unlike many of it's spin offs. What brings the story together, what really makes it great, is the pony at it's heart. The story will tear your heart out, I'm not ashamed to say I've cried over events in the story, sometimes when I'm not even reading it. (Pinkie and Dash's fates get me the most.) But in the end, it's a pony story.

Fallout: Equestria is better then the Fallout games. It handles aspects of the games in a way that a game simply can't. The horrors of what the raiders have done to Ponyville isn't any different then any raider nest you've seen in the games. But seeing it through Littlepip's eyes for the first time drives it home. Drug addiction is an annoyance in the games, but well worth the cost. Littlepip shows us what that -1 to perception and intelligence really means.

Fallout: Equestria is more then Friendship is Magic. Because "Everyone should have a freind" isn't the same without "For longer then I've been here" proceeding it. Because "But that's my soul. Isn't it?" doesn't carry the same wieght without the image of the smallest of ponies nearly dead and ready to kill.

Fallout doesn't have the heart because it was never supposed to. But it provides the contast that drives home the message that Friendship is Magic is sending in a way a kid's show simply can't.

Don't take this the wrong way. I love both Fallout and Friendship is Magic. I simply believe that the two together have become more then what they could ever have been apart.

Just my thoughts on something that so deeply touched me. I'll leave you now the quote that changed eveything.

"Of course it is, silly. You're just looking at it wrong."


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Oh, this is where my like came from. Thank you, sir. ^^

This is, in part, my way of crying out at the spin-offs. Not all of them, just most. So many (including some really popular ones) use the setting just to excuse grimdark ponies, and I feel like they're missing the point entirely.

I'm just not one to single out something I don't like unless I'm asked directly, so I'm not mentioning anything specific.

I couldn't even say any of this in the blog itself because I knew I'd hijack my own post. Thanks for giving me an excuse to add a comment by the way.

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