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So I depend too much on other people's reviews



To be honest, I actually originally enjoyed DBZ, despite its problems. The problem was that by the time I read Carlos Ross' negative review of DBZ on ThemAnime.org, I was persuaded into hating that series. The reason is because I'm too dependent on other people's reviews to tell me if something is good or not.

This is most especially true with video games. I don't purchase as many games as I want to, so instead I turn to Metacritic and GameRankings to figure out if I want that particular game or not. If it received an average or negative score, then I avoid it. However, if its score is at least 80/100 or higher, then I might want to consider getting that game. Unfortunately, I still don't bother, because of how expensive it is to purchase games, so I turn to video walkthroughs recorded by someone else on Youtube.

And that's one of the problems with me. I don't think for myself, so I turn to others to tell me if something is okay or not. Hell, it's why I still live with my mother even at age 25! I'm afraid of making my own decisions without angering someone, so I satisfy people at the expense of my own freedom! This is why I keep hating on DBZ, because I was told by someone else to not like it because of its slow-to-a-crawl, repetitive fights and complete and total disregard for most of Goku's supporting cast. And, it's why I hate the Twilight/Tirek fight scene as well, because of the way it reminded me and everyone else of Dragon Ball Z, even though I'd consider it more interchangeable with the Twilight/Chrysalis fight in the MLP comics, most likely due to me disliking DBZ because, again, I've been told to.


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