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Questions... (Confused Rambles)



Hello everyone, Avery here with more ramblings.

Now, I honestly don't mean to put myself as say a downer, since I feel as if that was the feeling of the last blog post I made. I'm generally a cheerful guy, though my cheerfulness doesn't always show because of family and certain friends... sad as that is. But, I'm getting off topic.

Now, I've seen several videos of Dr.Wolf, and most of them rock my mind with questions. Usually revolving around myself... since I'm trying to find out what to do at the moment with everything like it is. Because, honestly... I'm not having the best time with figuring out what to do. Especially with a father that kinda looks down on your way of communicating with friends... and such things like that.

I'm trying to figure out what to do, to keep writing to get noticed, or do something else. Because I dream of sharing the wonders of creativity with the world... and I usually do that with writing, though... I'm scared to.

I want to share my thoughts and such with the world... but I'm afraid that I'll be kicked to the curb, tossed like just some worthless bag of trash set to burn in a furnace. I really want to share my ideas... But how can I, when my mind just tells me to not do so and save myself from the seemingly unstoppable onslaught of negativity to face?

I understand that there are negative things out there, but having them ruin your work is not something I want to experience. It'll hurt my already fragile mind. I honestly want people to read my works, give some feedback and everything. Though... I'm scared that it'll be called something of a horrible design, that I can't share the creativity that I want to share.

...But why am I thinking like that? Shouldn't I be positive about the reviews I'll get? Or is that just too much to ask for? To be able to not have these fears curse your mind?

I'm not putting myself up as a way to get views on anything, that'd really be scrapping the bottom of the barrel. I'm just asking... why is this fear running around? I want to share my creations... but this fear is just making me stop in my tracks. Why? Why can't I proceed with what I love to do..?

*sigh* Sorry, kinda making this into another venting thing. But, I'm really confused. You don't have to pay attention to me with this, I'm just kinda rambling on... also, EXTREMELY hard to type on a phone. I hope I get my computer back.

I hope you have a wonderful day, and a lovely night, until we meet again.

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I want to share my thoughts and such with the world... but I'm afraid that I'll be kicked to the curb, tossed like just some worthless bag of trash set to burn in a furnace.


Oh darling, what is the worst they could do? Look at me, darling, I'm flinging the most unholy grail that is G3 in brony territory - almost picking a fight at this point - and nobody bothers to care.


I suggest if you'd like to get over your fear of negativity (which is quite common in this fandom from what I've witnessed), you need to be kicked into the dirt a couple times. Just so you can learn how to get up. You could as friends, but they aren't likely to go all out on you, which makes it a risk-reward play.


I say the best solution to this is seeking out strangers, explaining to them the situations and then letting them ripping your work to shreds. You'll learn a lot from that.


I could be on your help of this.

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