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Cookbook #7 - Shepherd's Chilidog Pizza



Are you ready Canterlot?

Are you ready to be enlightened?

This is the shepherd that will lead your flock to true delicious. It will protect you and watch over you as you graze on cheese, crust, and hotdogs. It will fight off the wolves of healthy diets and tofu.

This is the pizza

That will love you back.


It's been far too long since I've given you all something to seize over. This little idea actually came to me in a skype conversation with our own Robikku Pegasus (Thaaaank yooooouuu <3 ). I've worked it all out in the pink brain-meats in my skullbucket.

Now, I have to caution you all:


Now, as for what you'll need:

-Pizza Crust

-Mashed potatoes

-Corn (frozen will do)


-Canned chili beans (preferably with spicy sauce)

-Kidney beans

-chili powder

-shredded cheese

-hot dogs



-Minced garlic


-Italian sausage

So the concept here is to construct the illegitimate child of a shepherd's pie and a chili dog. In a pizza. The pizza is like the cradle I guess.

OKAY! So, obviously the first thing you're going to want to do is get started on the pizza itself. This will probably work best if we just bake the crust first, leaving it empty. So do that! Make sure it's in a decent bowl-y shape to hold the other components.

Then, the interior stuffing of the pizza. To do this, we're going to use the groundwork for a basic shepherd's pie. Cook your mashed potatoes, add your corn and ground beef, and MIX. Oh, and make sure you cook the beef and corn too. Yeah. Do that.

Make sure you save some of the ground beef for the second portion. What good chili doesn't have ground beef? Don't answer that, because it's entirely possible to have a phenomenal chili without ground beef but that doesn't matter right now.

So what you want to do now is make some chili! This is where the rest of the hamburger, beans and sauce come in. SAVE THE CHILI POWDER. It will all make sense soon, shhhhhhhhhhhh...

This is also where you can throw in your optional ingredients. Personally, the garlic and sausage appeal to me most, but you can really add anything. Celary, onions, more meat, additional seasoning, whatever suits your fancy for a wonderful chili.

While the chili is cooking, it may also be a good idea to boil some hotdogs. You're gonna make a lot of dishes for the sake of this lovely being.

Once it's made, you'll want to drain it a bit. Excess sauce will just make this more difficult than it has to be. Pour some of this chili on top of the pie mix and make kindof a bullseye. Spread it out from there so that it covers the surface.

Now, the tricky part. ADD CHEESE.

Spread it over this pizza as much as you like, and then throw it back in the oven until it melts. Everything else is already cooked, so you're golden!

Once the cheese is melted, cut up some of your boiled hotdogs into slivers, top the pizza with it, and THEN give it all a dusting of chili powder.

You're done!



I don't know, as I said I haven't made this yet. It's strictly in it's concept phase. However, I'm weak in the knees just thinking about it. I'll make sure to update this entry once I've actually cooked it.


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