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Counted and got a new kitty

Bright Glow


This week is almost over and there are two intesting thing happened with me what I would like to shere with you and I hope you don't find it to boring.

The first thing was on Monday afternoon, finally the counter officer of our region finally arrived into our hosehold too. Just to know there is national population counting is going in this month which means 10 years passed since the last one. In every 10 years in Hungary the National Statictics Office is running a National Popuation Event when they can updating their statics which helps the politicans to plan for the next 10 years.

I wonder how it works in other countries with bigger population and/or country how it works.

Well as we know the first population counting was held in the Roman Empire around Jejus Christ's birth.

The nother big thing just happend today afthernoon when my mother came home with a new kitty next to our old cat Cili. :-o Well she was so calm when my mother brought home from a friend of her and the kitty still calm too. All we know even the friend of my mother found the kitty so we ha no idea where is she from but our old cat Cili was a found cat too. Me and my mother found her on the yard of my elementary school back in 1996. Anyway we named the little Kitty to Lazy. :lol: I took some photos from her and I uploaded to my album here what I attached to this entry. I hope you'll like them. :)

PS: It seems Cili doesn't mind the new kitty but she spent most of the they up here in the working room upstairs while Lazy stay downstairs since she haven't able to climb up here yet but Cili was once down but just to go out to the yard. We keep Lazy still back since she is too small yet.


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Well Laizy became very active lately and love to play a lot. The intresting thing is my older cat Cili is acting very passivly I mean she is growling if Lazy go closer to her but afther all Cili is ignorig Lazy.

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YES! I love kitties! Especially little babies, when they're exploring their new world, and seeing everything as if it's new every time they see it. It's awesome when they cuddle too, and their meows are THE BEST! How is she? Still as cute as when you got her?

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