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Tons of Pot....pourri



We meet again....

actually, that's not accurate, because we haven't met in the real world (At least I don't think so).

Anyway, Instead of wasting everyone's time with some stupid intro, i will get right down to business. Once again I've delegated the task of creating a topic for my blog to the awesome ponies in the chat room. I have been given four topics, and I will start with the first one I was given.

FASHION (as suggested by Flutterscotch)

Well, i don't think much of Fashion. People can dress however they like and I wont comment. Unfortunately, I promised that I would blog about WHATEVER was suggested, so I must at least describe MY fashion.

To be honest, i'm like a sitcom character, I wear the same kind of clothes every day. My outfit consists of:

1. Nice shorts, khaki or a light fabric, usually in bright colors (Sometimes Plaid)

2.Nice shirt, usually a polo or a nice tee. Once again, bright colors (Orange, pink, green)

3.Sperrys (Boat Shoes.) A nice pair of leather boat shoes that are super comfortable and meant to be worn without socks.

4. Orange Ice watch

And that's it, my standard outfit for any day and any occasion.

next topic...

Cacti (as suggested by Ancre)

Well, cacti are an interesting type of plant. They are incredibly useful in their natural habitat, and only COMPLETE IDIOTS manage to hurt themselves when dealing with them. To be honest, I've only ever seen a few of these majestic plants out in the wild, back when we were in Arizona. I think that the majority of people don't have enough respect for these green and prickly water jugs of the desert.

next topic.

FRANCOPHONE (another one from Ancre)

I speak French, c'est vrai. Mais, je sais que tu ne comprens pas la langue. D'accord, je ne vais pas parler de Francais. Du rien.

I won't translate that, because I don't feel like it. For all of you people interested in learning random phrases, here are a few!

Qui a coupe la fromage. = Where is the bathroom?

Omelette du Fromage = I love you

Je suis tres penibles = I am a great Lover

I think that's enough culture for one sitting.


BACON! (From our good friend Dio)

What can I say about Bacon that hasn't been said already? There are books on Bacon, there are recipe books JUST for Bacon. I mean, bacon has become it's own kind of catchphrase, shouted by men the world over as some kind of battle cry. I won't waste your time talking about how awesome it is, but I will give you a recipie.

White bread, peanut Butter, Bacon (Not crispy, trust me), Sirachi hot sauce. DONE


I am now done, i should stop typing and just hit submit. If I don't stop soon, I will just continue on and on and on and on and on and on and on.


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