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Everything posted by Appliance

  1. Fever oh fever my old companion, you have returned you make me wobbly and cold, while the flesh is warm fever, oh fever
  2. sufficiently fine in order to deny that thought
  3. I've been showed this like ten times, literally XD but thanks it's the most beautiful pony I've seen
  4. All right, Bramble, Alec, I'm sorry I haven't been posting, I've just been having exams and events and so much work.. But now that my exams are over, and the school year is nearly done, I'm ready to post again! (If you'll have me, of course.) Again, I'm sorry, but my life has been hectic lately. If you do let me post, then I'd do whatever I can to help. ^^
  5. One flew over the cuckoo's nest. I think I love you. Sure, just PM it to me.
  6. There is no meaning in empty sentiment at least, not over the Internet LOL
  7. The two siblings went off together, and the female is leaving this weekend to live with a friend :c and yeah I guess you could say I have feelings hmm I'm not Asian though
  8. I have that empty nest feeling, which is silly, because I'm not a bird. I'm just missing kittens. Derp this is meaningless find meaning elsewhere
  9. Is your husband Mortar? I mean... welcome. I love the clarinet, but I haven't learned it. >_< Do you like going to visit symphonies? :"I
  10. I didn't mean to start a fad -_- You see what you do, Pen-Pen you see what you do? no no you don't :S
  11. You can't spell fear without well the letters in fear ... You remind me of Bing Crosby. Except you're not Bing and you're not Crosby sadly. You crooner
  12. I like how Asthmatic says, "I haven't spoken to you in a while" I respond, and he goes on and ignores me OH LOGIC I FAIL TO SEE THE FUNCTION XD
  13. Relinquish your hold over my bitter heart. >:T ohai no, no you haven't but then again, there's a lot of people that haven't spoken to me in a while don't worry about a thing 'cause all the little bits are going to be toasty
  14. None for me, thank you I'm off to bake I dunno edible things I am the scourge of little ponies.
  15. Bring on the shackles, I won't sit in the back of the bus
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