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Posts posted by Xiee

  1. “Thank you for the offer but I've already had breakfast at home”. Putting down his saddlebag, he introduces himself. “I'm Insight, a student of the Canterlot School of Magic. Please to meet your acquaintance.”

    “Pardon for the intrusion, I was just curious to see the two of here this early.” He pulls out his small journal from his saddlebag. It was a small black leather-covered book that appeared to be well-used and worn out. Flipping over a few pages and scanning its contents, he grabs a quill from his saddlebag and using his mouth begins to write. The sight was unusual for a Unicorn. Usually, they would use magic to write, but Insight was writing down on his book like any other Earth Pony.

    “Oh I'm sorry! It's just a habit of mine to write down anything that I experience. Please don't mind me.”

    He was eager to know these two mares that he hadn't seen before. Well, he hardly knew anyone outside of the school so he thought it would at least be swell to get to know someone from Canterlot before he left on his journey.

  2. Edit: God that pic is glorious, Xiee. Although what would a magic wielding, Force sensitive pony do with the sword in her mouth? Wouldn't it be easier to magic-swing it errywhere xD?



    Lol sorry I think I'm hijacking this thread. Last one I swear!

  3. There has been dicussion on the board in the past about what weapons a military pony could use. Lances strapped to the side were discussed as a weapon for fighting dragons. I can definately see a version of jousting as a sporting event and training for Knights.

    As for sword use, we did kinda see a pony mouth-wielding a sword in the show. Ok, so it was Pipsqueak and the sword was rubber, but it it was still a sword in the mouth.


    Like this? :D

  4. There edited. I re-wrote the whole thing. It was longer when I first came up with the re-write so I had to sort of shortcut a few things. I didn't want my app to look like a novel. I apologize for the grammar gaps. Please let me know if there is still anything else unclear.

  5. I started my online RPing back when Yahoo groups was the rage. Started out with some Anime RPs. But I gave up and stuck to doing IRL D&D with my friends. Then I came back about 2 years ago, another Anime RP thing on livejournal. I eventually got bored because we didn't have the kind of setup that we have here, more dynamic and lively. I still prefer IRL D&D though, but with MLP around, I decided to take the splash and so here I am.

  6. "Oh, uh hello again."

    "Are you as glad as i am that this is almost over."

    Insight had heard a familiar voice. It was the Pony who was affected by the poison joke. He was still small but that didn't bother him. He decided to take a chance and introduce himself.

    "Oh hi!" Insight greeted back with a smile. "It's strange that we've meet again like this. By the way, the name's Insight. Pleasure to meet you. I see that the poison joke is still playing a nasty tick on you. I've read from a book somewhere that there's a natural remedy for that. It involves a bath with a few herbs."

    "I know its almost over..." Insight continued as he looked back at the monument. "But I'm going to miss this. I've never had this much fun when I was in Canterlot. I was too obsessed with my research. I guess this event has taught me to relax once in a while."

  7. Thanks Brian, I'll definitely get her sharpened out. Thanks for pointing out about the flowers I forgot to edit that in. Yes, I was thinking along the lines of an NCO (non-commissioned officer) but I just couldn't come up with the term. Her main concern is community service, not just to the poor but those who also need it and her secondary task is doing regular patrol duty in her district in Kuznitza Will be adding that in. I'll try to delve more into her stubborn side as well. I did think I was lacking in that aspect since it sounded a bit broad.

    Thanks for the pointers! I'll be editing this within today or until tomorrow to get a fresh start.

    Minor edit: Decided to call her Argenta instead of Argentia. I think it sounds better. Will be editing the rest of this later after work!

  8. Insight felt fortunate. With the event nearing it's end, he contemplated on what has happened. Able to meet both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, he felt a sense of accomplishment. Even though he found nothing to help aid in his research, he finally managed to sit back, relax and enjoy what the rest of the night. He decided to go to the first place he had visited during the start of the event, Nightmare Moon's monument.

    Though he hadn't really met any new friends, he was able to talk to a few interesting Ponies With nothing else to do, he sat right in front of the monument and just stared at it...

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