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Posts posted by Xiee

  1. dfSu6.jpg

    It was probably her first time in the Everfree forest. The Mayor was unsure if it was a good idea to go in alone but the directions that Twilight Sparkle gave her were simple enough to follow. After wandering slowly and curiously and suspiciously looking at the surroundings for any strange creatures she had arrived at Zecora's hut without incident. At first glance it seemed odd to her but it did have a cozy welcome feeling to it. From the outside, a wondrous aroma greeted her. Zecora must be cooking something. She'd hope to get a taste of it but it wasn't why she'd come here in the first place.

    "Hello?" She said knocking on the door. "Is anypony home?"

    She could hear a few other ponies in the hut with Zecora. Looks like she had a few more guests.

  2. The cool Stallion on stage was starting to get to her. His songs were so upbeat that she momentarily ignored the rocker pony that was trying to strike up a conversation. Soon as she realized that her mouth was open, she blushed and turned her attention back to the rocker pony.

    "Oh sorry... Uhm... Ah yes." She said as she composed herself. "So what's next for you after this concert?"

    The cool scat pony continued his mesmerizing song. She could tell as a bunch of mares started wooing in the front row. She could tell that the moment he would step out of that stage he was going to be mobbed by his new found crazed fans. The security ponies have already anticipated this as a few of them already started to gather near the stage exit. Why hasn't a recording company scouted this amazing stallion yet? They would be crazy not to. His songs are different and new. The way he swagged it on stage screamed out to the fans. Not to mention his good looks... She snapped out of her thoughts and tried to pay attention to her companion more as she let out a smile.

  3. Nodding at Screw's enthusiasm, the Mayor turned her attention back to the little colt.

    "Oh I must say hello to your Gram sooner or later." She smiled. "Have you settled in yet? Met with the other colts and filles? Oh, have you already started going to school? You should talk to Cherilee about that."

    The day already started to become like clockwork and it was almost time for lunch. The Mayor made a habit of treating Ponies to lunch whenever she met anypony during her walks. It seemed like a good idea having Gentle and Screw over.

    "Oh dear, its almost time for lunch." She said as she looked at Ponyville's clock tower. "Why don't you two join me at the Cafe? My treat."

  4. I shall, as soon as I figure out how to get into your IRC...

    Also, I've posted up an application already, if anyone is interested in reading.

    You can just click on the Chatroom link on the main forum index page.

    Or if you prefer to use an IRC client here's the info you need:

    Server: irc.esper.net

    Port: 6667

    Channels: #CanterlotCentral (main chat), #CanterlotRP (RP room)

  5. Update again.

    Song: Love is in Bloom - Extended Version

    Hours worked on: 2

    I know the extended version came out a while back but I only got to subtitle it now. I'm also starting to learn how to do stuff much faster and actually make the lyrics sound exactly as it is said through syllables.

  6. I browsed a few of those tips on drawing ponies. Somehow I'd like to get my sketching groove back. Lost it back when I was in college. I've been meaning to get a nice cheap tablet to start out. Any good brand suggestions? I know Wacom is good but even their entry model tablets are a bit pricey. Personally, I'm more comfortable with traditional pencil and paper but I know that I eventually have to move up to tablets.

  7. It was a rather bold move for the Pegasus to jump out and scare the Bloodwings bathing them in light. She made a mental note to remember that these things hated the light or were rather sensitive to it. The Bloodwings immediately scattered in different directions, disoriented and screeching away. It won't be long when more Bloodwings would arrive.

    "You have some kind of deathwish? Wandering here by yourself with the Bloodwings out?"

    The odd one-winged Pegasus complained. Looking around her, she made sure that there were no Bloodwings in sight. Quickly, she decided to do a hover towards the Pegasus. Behind him was an Earth Pony Mare, crouching down looking uneasily at her. She landed the Pegasus as slung her sniper rifle behind her.

    "It's my first time traveling this direction. I didn't expect any Bloodwings to be in the area." She said calmly as she preened her right wing. "I was on my way to Friendship City to replenish my supplies, but I heard a gunshot from the distance and saw your problem."

    Numerous screeches could be heard from the distance. It was clear that the Bloodwings were regrouping and they wanted to make another pass at the mess of what was left of the caravan scattered all over the road. The ones that fled earlier probably told their companions that there were succulent juicy Ponies ripe for the picking. They probably brought the whole brood this time. It was not a good time to be out in the open.

    "We have to move."

  8. I can probably brainstorm some kinda tie into GearShifts bio, shouldn't be to hard. Though that is if it's absolutely necessary, it's kinda out of my comfort zone to write history with OCs im not to familiar with.

    I kind of understand where you're coming from. Having to modify a character you've created to be unique to fit into a group sounded alien to me at first. That's why I created an app specifically for exclusive use in the Pirate RP. All of us here have written our apps specifically tied to the pirate group. Like how Grandya was saved by the crew when she was injured, or how GangPlank rescued our Diamond Dog cook from the Stalliongrad wilds.

    Maybe writing an app just for this project would set you at ease for not having to edit your existing apps. Just a suggestion you might want to consider.

  9. And another major point to both GM systems is that they're time consuming. Imagine having a group of players say face off a manticore. Each would wait for their own turn while the GM and a single player would be the ones only posting back and forth while the others waited for their turn. From my experience this isn't very effective on RP type forums, on live chat maybe but considering our different timezones and actual commitment to posting replies on a regular basis? That's what I'm afraid might what bog down the RP to a standstill. Both methods may be effective IRL or chat RPs but on the forums where we individually post replies one at a time? It's doable but time consuming and challenging to say the least especially when you have a big RP group. The ones I did in chat where we had a fight scene, there were 5 of us, took us at least 2 hours to finish a 15 minute encounter. Imagine what would happen if we did that on the forums.

    This is just the only concern I have when we do decide to bring this style of RP suited for tabletop / pen and paper RPs to a forum environment.

  10. It's an interesting project and something I'd definitely love in popping in. However most of the RPs that I've seen in this forum and most of the RPers that I know usually don't go by GMing the stories. It's more of a collaborative and dynamic effort that each RPer contributes to controlling the whole line of the story. I do understand however you wanting GMs in the RPs. I've been a GM in real life, in fact a DM (Dungeon Master) for Dungeon and Dragons RPGs and other pen and paper RPGs. My only issue with having the RPs being GMed, in essence, controlled by a single (or in this case a group) of GMs might limit some great ideas each player has to offer. Then again having GM in an RP would sound nice as it can stay focused on a set of guidelines to avoid straying from the main concept of the RP theme.

    I've also started two other RP projects in the forums. The Pony Pirates Project and the Fallout Equestria Crossover Project but they mostly lean towards the social aspect of RPs rather than adventure, with the exception of the Fallout Equestria project borrowing actual game elements from Fallout itself (see my Griffon Mercenary character for Fallout Stats). I think I can help you work with this endeavor.

    Now with that out of the way a few tidbits you might want to consider.

    We will be doing this in the crossover section, more specifically on Equestria - Long Forgotten [Past], where all the "past" crossover scenario's occur. Our RP is essentially a crossover since the "Mane RP" happens in present day Equestria and we try to follow the show canon as clearly as possible, though we have a few board canon rules applied to it as well.

    Monster fighting will be an issue. If we're going to go down that way then we have to develop some sort of "roll system" pretty much like the D20 system what D&D has. If you've seen other RP projects done by other RPers like the Ponies and Dragons RPs, you'll see its a bit complicated, but fun. We've also did other similar adventure type RPs on the chat and it proved a bit daunting, what more if it was on the forum when replies take at least a day? Lets say Pony A decides to attack Monster B. Pony A thinks that a buck to the head of Monster B would do the trick so he rolls for initiative. He gets an 8, while the monster gets a 2. Pony A attacks first and rolls to hit and gets a 13, well above the Monster B's agility score. See where I'm getting at? It's going to be a lot of work not only for the GMs but for the players and this might take the edge out of fun on the RPs.

    I don't think including the Changelings is a good idea, since they only appeared lately in the wedding episode. Putting them back in the past during Equestria's infancy might be a problem, but we can always say they were there but they just didn't bother with the ponies since there was not a lot of love to go around.

    I'll post more when I come up with more ideas.

  11. dfSu6.jpg

    Today was the grand opening of Lore's bookstore. The Mayor had promised a while back that she'd attend the grand opening and possibly give a speech to one of Ponyville's new citizens and merchants. She had hoped that her appearance during the grand opening alone would be a good boost to his business. She also had a speech prepared just in case a decent sized crowd would show up during the grand opening.

    As she galloped towards the store she met Lore making the finishing touches. It wasn't that long ago when this old shack was filled with dust and run down, but today everything looked brand new and snazzy. The shop boasted decent space for ponies to enjoy a quick read as they browsed through books. It was a cozy place, and a place that the Mayor wouldn't mind to visit from time to time.

    "Lore!" She greeted him in an upbeat voice. "I'm glad I could make it early. Congratulations on opening your store. I'm sure that the citizens of Ponyville would love another fine addition to our town. I know I would."

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