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Posts posted by crp_dude

  1. It was already midnight, and Apis was getting quite drowsy, even just on his walk through the hustle and bustle of the crowd. After all, he always had a very rigid and well-kept sleep schedule, which meant he got massively drowsy whenever he overstepped it, especially this late. Taking another sip of coffee, which he held very cleverly in a harness around his neck, almost akin to a collar, Apis again moved lazily through the crowd, in a very conforming fashion. If these ponies loved to party as much as Itailian ponies did, then Apis knew better than to bump into someone, especially this late at night and with the smell of cider heavy in the air. Finding a clearing finally, he shook himself awake fully, with a vigorous throw to his neck, and looked around. "I'd best see for myself what in all this festival has to offer. If there's an eating contest, then I might have some fun as well!" Thusly, Apis trotted over to the carts filled with ponies of all types. Surely, after all, he would be able to see everything the festival had to offer from inside a bus carriage like that. As he got to the edge of the bustle, he waited along the side for the cart to pass. Perhaps it was his caffeine buzz or the actual meandering speed of the cart, but it seemed to take forever to pass over to the other side. Once the cart's end was fully visible to him, Apis trotted over, tailing the cart until he found the right moment to hop onto the step and into the cart. Surely this wasn't supposed to be allowed, but he was tired and certainly in no mood to stop for anypony. Climbing onto the cart, he curled up on one of the haystacks near Film Reel, and began to doze off. "Uh.. No, no, need to... stay... awaaaayke..." Apis yawned as he tried to go for the coffee cup again, but found that is was just empty enough for the liquid to be out of his reach. "This is what I get for not bringing a straw..." he thought to himself before he slowly dozed off, eventually going into a serous slumber, snoring loudly enough to break anypony's concentration. This is why nobody ever invites Apis to late parties. Not even his friends.

  2. 10/9/11

    Got two requests on my thread, so I did them over the course of maybe a week or so.

    First one here is for Appliance, and is of her OC, Silversword.


    The vector was a little tough and uneven in places, but that was mostly because I wasn't so good with layers.


    Still turned out okay, though.

    Second request was by Vinyl Scratch, for her OC, who they never gave me the name of.


    Yup, it was a Shadowbolt. All the same, this came out pretty good!


    Vectoring for this guy was done largely last night.

    If you want to send me a request, I have a request thread here!

  3. Saluto! I've been looking to contribute to the MLP community in any way I can, so here I am, offering to do art for people! I have become more than great at MLP sketches, and have marginal knowledge of vector work, so if you ever want something from me, don't hesitate to ask! My specialty is personalizing ponies with fashionable clothing, by the way!

    If you want to check my stuff so far, it's all right here! Check the end of my first post for my most recent stuff! That first one is... I dunno, less than desirable comes to mind?

    Anyways, if you're interested, send me a PM, and specify which you would prefer, a sketch (guaranteed to be good) or a vector (admittedly a hit-or-miss in terms of quality.)

  4. Saluto! All you need is a good argument to follow your love for the show! I think that the one on Equestria Daily's FAQ is the best.

    Personally, I have no issue telling everyone about my affiliations-- to the point of rubbing them in everyone's face, then laughing manically like Fluttershy on the Best Night Ever.

    Welcome to Canterlot forums, though! If you ever want to talk about adjusting to the fandom and helping other people understand, don't hesitate to send me a PM! I'd be happy to talk to you!

  5. Hmm... Ought to be some sort of saying/phrase toward fashion or being high end. Here's my ideas, just sort of spouted out:

    Cutting Edge

    Crimson Carpet

    Al LeMode (I thought it was clever.)

    Haute Couture (Probably Rarity's Idol)

    Belle Epoque (A bit out there, but still acceptable)

    I'm probably gonna end up using whatever you don't. ;)

  6. In Bridle gossip, there's one pony who works in the spa who has an implacable European-esque accent. I find it not all too out-there to assume that there are perhaps far, far extensions of Equestria, or perhaps even lands set outside it. (Itaily forever, yo) My favor goes to the latter, simply because it's a fun concept.

  7. I've been doing some (in my opinion) pretty good sketches of ponies as of recently, some of which I've been considering for Rp applications, some not so much, but here's what I have!


    Here's my very first pony drawing, done right after I had viewed The Best Night Ever. Since I had watched the entirety of season 1, I thought it was then safe to make a ponysona, so I did. Understandably, there was room for improvement.


    almost a month or two later, improvement happened. Not too much in-between here worth noting, I just had a lot of time to fix myself up, art-wise.


    in Apis's story, his father is Emperor Mondo, ruler of Itaily, a land a far ways to the East of Equestria and across the sea. Mondo and Celestia have had a long-standing rivalry, largely because Mondo has made more than a few invasion attempts at her domain. This picture was actually drawn recently. The original sketch of Mondo is... pretty terrible, to say the least. It's just generally aesthetically unappealing.


    It was only about a week before I vectored up Apis in my first vector attempt. Not as fantastic as it could have been, but it was still pretty okay.



    These guys are concept ponies for a fanfic I've been working and refining for a while. Nothing special, but cute characters.



    After that, I started doing requests for people, so I decided to get back into vector. This was done last weekend, I think.


    These guys are part of a bet with a friend. He's not too crazy about ponies, but he has told me that he'll give MLP a chance if I can make good steampunk ponies. Please tell me what you think. The next generation of the herd depends on it!

    • Like 1
  8. I like this application quite a lot :) I think this character is quite unique and I would like to see him in action in some RP's.

    That being said, I believe you can change the tag (Pegasus) to (Unicorn) when you go to edit, and click on "use full editor". :)

    Also, I love the bee theme c: and honeycomb cutie mark XD

    Ah, thanks a lot for the help editing the title! I was wondering where that was :/

  9. I was first introduced to ponies when my Skype friends started posting videos of FiM sound clips/lines. Listening to them endlessly, I was like "oh man these are pretty cool!" so I decided to start watching an episode. My very first was "Party of One", and it was certainly a shaky start, but I kept watching episodes and eventually I fell in love with the series! This all occurred over the course of about two weeks, I think.

  10. I take pride in being a male and also a brony, largely because I have an actual argument rehearsed supporting my love for the series! Even then, despite the fact that one of my friends hates ponies (not FiM, but actual ponies. Apparently, one tried to eat his hair when he was a kid? I dunno, he's a little crazy even when he's not stoned. When he is I just altogether stay away from that stuff), and I usually shove ponies in his face anyhow ;)

    Even when people are a little skeptical, I can pretty happily admit that I'm all kinds of cool with ponies.

  11. Molto buona-- fantastico, effettivamente, la principessa mia!

    I love it when people are in character 100% of the time! It offers a lot more fun interaction for everybody :D

    Benvenuto a Canterlot! Per favore, godetevi il vostro soggiorno!

  12. Hello!

    How did you hear about Canterlot?

    I'm MyLittlePonyTales, but I just go by Tales around here. I'm one of the many great staff here at Canterlot. Please feel free to message any of us with any questions or concerns you have, or you can just leave another comment here!

    If you didn't already, please take a moment to check out the rules section, just so that you're up to speed! :RDash:

    You'll also need to make at least 3 posts anywhere in the Introductions section before you can post on other parts of the board.

    A good place to go if you're looking to meet a lot of new Bronies is the IRC Chat.

    Welcome to Canterlot!

    I just happened by this particular forums while I was browsing the Brony Show website, thought "ooh, this looks to be my style", and joined!

    • Like 1
  13. http://dl.dropbox.co...l%20%282%29.jpg (vectored image of Apis, for easy reference.)

    Name: Senyor Apis

    Sex: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: Sunflower Yellow (#ffcc00)

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Ice Blue (#79e1fa) Straight, with a slight curve to it naturally. Apis keeps his mane under a black driving cap. Apis has a smooth groom to his tail, which curls up at the end due to the natural swoop of his hair.

    Eye Color: Aqua Blue (#00ced9)

    Cutie Mark:A nice honey-colored selection of oranges creates a triangular arrangement of three almost-regular hexagons. The symbol resembles a honey comb, reflecting Senyor Apis’s love for bee-farming, and doubles as a sign of being a “king bee” of his own, or showing his qualities as a responsible leader.

    Physique: Apis, being a relative of Emperor Mondo of Itaily, is a notch taller than most ponies, but maintains a thinner physique, a further reflection of his non-indulgent lifestyle.

    Origin: Born and Raised in Roam, Itaily, which is a country a good ways away from Equestria, Senyor Apis is the son of the legitimate ruler of Itaily, Emperor Mondo. Apis took a ship to Equestria, where he now serves as a low-key emissary to Itaily and his father, much akin to Twilight Sparkle and her relation to Princess Celestia in the canon series. Senyor Apis currently takes residence in Canterlot.

    Roleplay Type: Mane

    Occupation: Beekeeping and harvesting honey for the Senyor is only a component of his combined passion: cooking. Senyor Apis specializes in dessert dishes, in which he always utilizes his signature honey.

    Motivation: For Apis, being royalty, yet not having a particularly ornate or magnificent cutie mark represents for him his preference of the simple life with the more common ponies, whose company he has chosen to prefer over that of the nobles and royals.

    Likes: Insects, Pastries, Honey, Springtime, Cool Breezes, the Mandolin.

    Dislikes: Rain, Swimming, Brass Instruments, Mud

    Character Summary: Senyor Apis is the son of Emperor Mondo, official ruler of Itaily, a land that has been politically set outside Princess Celestia's dominion and kingdom. While his father is an enthusiastic advocate of the high life, with all the luxuries it provides, Senyor Apis feels that to effectively rule an empire, one must care more about the land's people rather than the land's finery. For his entire life, Apis has cut himself off from his father and worked as a farmer, then a chef, a newspaper boy, a waiter, and finally a beekeeper, which he took particular delight in, earning him his Cutie Mark. Through his work, he has helped to make Roam, his home town, and Itaily as a whole a better place. However, his father has become paranoid in his waning years. Fearing that his own son may attempt to usurp him, Emperor Mondo has "exiled" his only son, under the guise of sending him to become Itaily's ambassador to Equestria. Suitably unaware of his father's intent to keep him away, Apis was more than happy to accept the call, ensuring his people continued success, and justice for all of Itaily's ponies. Now serving as an emissary, the adult and well-seasoned Senyor Apis hopes to spread the morals of what he has learned throughout Equestria-- and perhaps, one day, the world.

    (As a small side note, I think it goes without saying that I will not abuse the idea that Senyor isn't from any remote Equestrian territory. As far as he is concerned, Itaily is a long way from here, and doen't really concern other ponies. In short: I won't rub the fact that he's a foreigner in everyone's face.)

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