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Everything posted by FIM Fan

  1. I am going on a trip to Baltimore. Man, you guys really have some amazing things to brag about any of you wanna switch lives?
  2. Then I made a good decision coming here. Most of the boards I go to are just absolutely full of Drama usually. And Yeah, Pinkie Pie really does have an effect on people.
  3. Hey there welcome to the forum. And don't worry about role playing. If you ever need any help I could teach you if you like. I am pretty experienced in non My Little Pony role play. Been a role player for years now. Come to think of it even I (The person who found this site for role playing) may decide to not take part. The people here have all these amazing apps and amazing everything it kinda makes me feel out of place when it comes to RPing. I will probably end up doing it. But, now whenever I think of some unique app all it does is get me frustrated that I can't think of anything. That aside, welcome to the forum.
  4. Well the best way I could describe finding this site is my resourcefulness of finding just about anything on Google. I wanted to find a Friendship is Magic roleplay board. I entered " My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Roleplay" And that took me to the old Equestria board which in turn led me here.
  5. You really want me to remember that far? Ummmmm..............well, gee I think what really got me into roleplaying was I used to go to this Wrestling forum. (That's "Television" wrestling not the real wrestling you have in like High School's and stuff) And anyway's you made your own wrestler and you made up these promos, (Don't know what else to call it) and that is what really got me into roleplaying. That had to be 13 or 14 or 15 years ago. GOD, I'm OLD LOL!
  6. Really? That's cool! I'll be 29 in December.
  7. I used to play a bunch of sports back in High School. My favorites were kick ball , Dodge ball and Baseball. I am not so into football but I do have a Football team that I follow. I like the Patriots. I shouldn't like them I know but it's a very long story. Other then that I do a lot of bowling. But, my one true sport always has been and always will be baseball. I EAT SLEEP, and BREATHE baseball.
  8. My favorite character has got to be Pinkie Pie IMHO. It seems like everything she says and does gets a laugh out of me. I am really in to the character in a cartoon and says random things. And Pinkie is totally RANDOM.
  9. Well most of the time I do. I mean on some of my sites they know I'm a Brony. But, I'd never willingly tell my friends or my parents. My dad isn't so approving of my love for animated shows and movies. In fact he's "embarrassed of me" because of it. And those were his words not mine. If my computer is on this page and my friends or my dad happen to be looking over my shoulder. I won't deny it. But, I won't shout it from the rooftops either.
  10. Yeah, you're normal unlike me.
  11. Yeah, my cable company is really lame. I got a lot of channels taken away/Never have. And the "Hub" is unfortunately on that list of channels that I don't/can't get. So I mostly stick with Youtube or another website on the internet. I hope some person doesn't get those episodes taken off Youtube for Copyright infringement or something.
  12. Hey everyone, as you may be able to tell I am a huge Friendship Is Magic fan. But, you can all call me Josh if you want. I am a 28 year old male so I am probably like the oldest person here. It's kinda funny because last week I wasn't really what you would call a "Hater" but I wasn't really interested in it either. But then last Sunday I saw a video of Pinkie Pie doing that Singing Telegram to all her friends inviting them to her pet's birthday party. And ever since then I can't stop watching it. But , just so you guys know I watch the shows EXTREMELY out of order. Don't ask me why. So, anyway I am from New Jersey and as such I am also a New York Yankees fan as well. Anyway, I am really happy to find a board like this and look forward to getting to know all you guys.
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