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Angie Cakes

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Angie Cakes last won the day on May 15 2017

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About Angie Cakes

  • Birthday 03/21/1995

RP Characters

  • Character 4
    prescription glasses
  • Character 3
    toe fungus
  • Character 2
    seasonal depression
  • Main Character
    pork muncher

Profile Information

  • Interests
    pretending I'm not a piece of actual trash
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Contact Methods

  • Skype
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Equestrian (7/9)



  1. okay so I watched the entirety of the show that spawned this forum over the course of the past few weeks and turns out it's a good show actually? turns out we were all right about it 12 years ago
  2. steven tonight 7:00 CST. we're gonna be on watch2gether this time which means you'll need an adblocker because if one person starts getting ads it screws up the stream for everyone else
  3. here is SU link if anyone wants to join https://lets.rabb.it/T8Xfuyiw8S we're just kinda gathering everyone now. you need to make an account to join I think
  4. remimder of steven watching tomorrow at sometime in the evening oclock we're gonna watch familiar and together alone. might watch legs from here to homeworld as well if people need a refresher
  5. it seems like a lot of people are busy today so nvm we'll just do two episodes next week
  6. F also if anybody wants in on the SU stream here is the link here's the link https://lets.rabb.it/YsZga8axYS we haven't started yet, still waiting for people to show up
  7. okay I know I keep posting plans but here are final plans: dec 26: watching new su ep that airs the 24th jan 1: watching new su ep that airs the 31st jan 7: watching new su ep that airs that day jan 17: drunk art stream hopefully unless I don't get the day off jan 21: watching hour long su special that airs that day (art stream that was supposed to be last week got cancelled because apparently my whole family was off work and my sister came home and nobody gave me any warning until the day before???)
  8. got my work schedule this will either happen wednesday, thursday or friday next week depending on what day most people say they're free
  9. date uncertain but sometime next week I will likely have another drunk art stream followed by a group video call & jackbox games please respond with days that you are free if interested. gonna get my work schedule tomorrow sometime most likely as for new SU episodes, we'll likely do a group watch for the first one that airs on Dec 24th on Dec 26th bc people will be busy with christmas. the group watch for the one that airs on the 31st may or may not be moved to the 1st depending on how many of us are losers without plans that night
  10. I gotta say as a fat ass who loves blankets and baggy clothes I super appreciate weather getting to the point where I can exist without being sweaty
  11. but by the time you get near the end of season 1 you'll want to watch more than an hour at a time. first like half-2/3rds of season one is pretty slow
  12. watch an hour a day you'll be caught up in time
  13. there's five seasons (one of the upcoming episodes is the season 5 finale) but the episodes are only 10 minutes long so you can pop a bunch off real quick. just under 30 hours worth of episodes it's like if a grown up show only had one or two seasons
  14. episode titles and dates are out dec 17th is legs from here to homeworld which has been out on the app for months dec 24th familiar dec 31st together alone jan 7th escapism jan 21st battle of heart and mind idk wtf they're thinking premiering new episodes on christmas eve and new years eve but oh well I probably won't be busy
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