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Status Updates posted by BlazingRomance

  1. .-. does anyone know how to make a forum...:/

    1. Halide


      Otherwise we wouldn't have any, would we? Clearly, someone, somewhere, knows how to make a forum. We might even know a few.

    2. Corsair


      When you say "forum," do you mean you want to make a post? There are certain sections on Canterlot, specifically the Canterlot Chronicles and World of Equestria sections, that you can not post in until you have submitted a character application and been approved. There are other features that will unlock on the site when you post five times. Beyond that, you should be able to make posts anywhere on the site.

    3. tacobob


      You just need both a mommy and a daddy forum...And when those two forums love each other very much.....

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