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Posts posted by Fawkes

  1. I JUST DID! Celestia on a ritz! We're watching anime NOW! RIGHT THIS MOMENT.


    Opening 11 is pretty good too. I think LPW should have an opening like that.

    ... :I

    Will I have to send you a PM about it? XD

    Also, LPW opening. Good call. :I


    This is what Rosie does when she doesn't really wanna do something but she doesn't wanna upset anyone by saying no, me thinks.

    Cuz she did the same thing when I tried asking her if she wanted to participate in the LPW Roleplay... multiple times~ >:3

  2. Ded Spaz 2 on Hardcore mode is the worst thing in the history of ever >:[

    WAAAAAY too much of that hardcore Japanesey flavoring of "Hey, you die? You go back nine level! You die 'gen? You go back TEN level! Tenth level no exist you say? TOO BAD! You go back ten level anyway! "

    Dumb Japanesies and their absurd concept of challenging gameplay >:I

  3. I hate this! I have a lot of cool riffs and chord structures, but I can't put them together. :c

    Also... I kinda just read Rainbow Factory... Or... some of it, at least. I advise anyone who hasn't read it, not to. I know that whoever reads this post, who hasn't read Rainbow Factory, is going to now. :P

    And... you've seen the animated version, right?

    As presented by Rainbow Dash?

    Usually, the animated version of stories, such as movies, have trouble remaining entirely faithful to the written stories.

    I have to tell you though... I've never seen an animated story remain as faithful to its original text as Rainbow Factory as present by Rainbow Dash has~ :'3

  4. And now for something completely different.

    Tunak Tunak Tun for 10 hours.... Challenge accepted.





    EVERYONE should be able to enjoy the pure, unadulterated joy of watching fashionable, turban-wearing, Indian elemental genies do finger spin dances and sing sexy, guttural songs for 10 hours straight~ <3

    Also, this should TOTALLY be the national anthem of India :'I

    • Like 1
  5. Fawkes, don't lie :U you could pass Angie up with a bit of practice.

    I find that so very hard to believe.

    This is clearly just one of those supra nice Angie things that she says that aren't supra true but they ARE supra nice.. >':

    Fawkes has years of drawing by moonlight to go before he's anywhere near Angie's level of arts or visions.

  6. I dunno why Fawkes thinks he can't draw D:<

    The moment I read that I knew Diego had to have finally posted the Telephone Pictionary results... xDD










    Maybe they're okay... -ish :'I

    I should really get a tablet and learn to draw for realsies :'I

  7. Turn off all the lights.

    Light a single, cinnamon scented candle.

    At a soft volume, play Space Oddity.

    Look into a mirror.

    Say his name three times as fast as you can.



    If you were successful, you've just been stabbed thrice times and sexually violated twice :'I

  8. *tries to lick it off*





    What IS this?! D:<

    A new breed of madness?

    A crazy koo kid fad?

    [2:15:00 PM] Ken {[Fawkes]}: *overturns my top hat above you and pours out a bathtub's worth of white meeses*

    [2:15:49 PM] Peggly-sus: -looks at them, stopping sobbing for a moment with tears in my eyes, and eats one with the tail squirming outside my mouth-

    Is there something I'm missing here? >:I

    *picks up another white mouse*

    *sniffs at it apprehensively as it squeals in terror*

  9. What are... Who... Why did you do that fawkes

    Cuz I could!

    Now get over here and rub mah belly~ :3

    I feel. Very. blah today.

    *lays down and curls up in ball*

    Don't feel blah, good THUNDAH!

    For today we our on the cusp of our greatest victory!

    The vindication and absolution of Last Post Wins.

    Soon enough the voice of God will seem just a little less loud~

  10. How are they irrelevant details?

    Ow don't be pullin' on that >_o

    Ummm....thanks? .____.;;

    Because they're unimportant!

    Unbelievably, unimaginably, uninteresting!

    United in unanimous unfun!

    *nibbles on mane*

    Tell me a secret?~ :'3

    You can't haz Royal Canterlot Voice. You am nots of royals least of Canterlot.


    I've been rollin' with the royal roar since you were done up in diapers and drooling, my dearliest dear~

    Fawkes is royal!

    A royal pain in the flank.


    For some at least. No doubt.

    And what an unbearably exquisite pain it is~

    I don't believe you've had the pleasure just yet.

    Perhaps you and I should chat, Rosie~ ;3

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