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Posts posted by Fawkes

  1. I feel naughty posting in this thread now...

    Nooooot too sure why that would be.

    Unless you've been listening a tad too much to the spiteful ravings of anger fueled ponies.

    *tilts head*

    If that be the case, you might wanna avoid such negative people, my dearliest dear :I

    Avoid the unhappy and the unlucky for they are as infectious as diseases~

    Or perhaps of course you're just talking about Aria.

    In which case, we all feel like that from time to time.

  2. All a toaster ever really wants is a little maintenance from time to time.

    As outlined in the owner's manual:

    1. Always remember to unplug your appliance when not in use.
    2. Remove the hidden drawer underneath your appliance and clean it with hot water and dish soap every 2-4 weeks.
    3. Turn appliance over and tap the excess crumbs out every 2-4 weeks.
    4. Using a small bottle brush or toothbrush, rub very gently against the inner coils to loosen any stubborn stuck on crumbs.
    5. Replace dry tray back under the appliance.

    Just like WOMEN.

    And that's just too much to be bothered with :I



    looks like you and I are tied for now >w>

    You know what you needta do, Angie?

    You need to execute a sneak attack on Ginger.

    Like legit.

    Make a TON of really, REALLY awesome pony arts (which won't be hard at all since ALL of your arts end up turning out awesome. Even your doodles :'I)

    Stockpile all of said arts. Maybe you already have a bit of a stockpile.

    And then, over the course of a couple days...


    Post all of it to your gallery!

    Then watch as the Likes roll in.

    Ginger won't know what hit him.

    Your lead will be so great and your victory so total that Ginger will have no choice but to just give you all of his Likes as tribute for your awesomeness >:3

    • Like 1
  4. Hmmm...

    Judging by the angle of Pinkie's descent...

    It looks like she's about to end up in a VERY suggestive position with Dashie.. :'I





    Rainbow Dash uses HARDEN on her wings!


    The adventures of space captain Isacc Clark isn't scary. At all. Ever.

    Space Captain?

    Captain of all of space?

    FTW :'I

    AND HEY.


    I've never played horrorish games before >:'I

    I'm working my way up the ladder.

    Little babby stuff first like RE4 and Ded Spaze.

    Then maybe some Silent Hill.

    And finally hopefully pull out the climax with some Amnesia~

  5. I wonder if that would qualify as like... a memorial, in the animal world.

    "This was my son, Caleb the Cow and his best friend Pete the Pig. Their devourer decided to lay them out all nice and peaceful like on a tranquil dish of blue, white, and tan. Blue was Caleb's favorite color... they were good boys. They'll make a scrumptious meal.."

    And then the mama cow would go on to frame the picture and put it on her mantle, so she might always remember her son... as a big, juicy steak :'I

    • Like 2
  6. So, Ded Spaze.

    Not sure if scary or not yet xD

    So far the only thing thats really creeped me out has been the background sounds.

    The distant scuffling, random pipes dropping, and that one guy/monster who always sounds like he's suffocating on his own saliva just off camera.

    I almost feel like I should make my own Let's Play though.

    Whenever things START to seem scary or the background sounds start to get to me, I start talking to the game and the monsters and I have fantastical conversations with them~ :'3

    Like the time I challenged a necromorph to a raring ol' match of fisticuffs. He was a spry ol' chap.

    It didn't end well for me... :'I

  7. Hmm :I

    *taps paw against brim of top hat absentmindedly*

    Hm hm hm.



    I need you to drop your load over there.

    *points to the mare*

    Just point it at her and let it shoot.

    *spins around in circles, aiming beams of light from my head mirror all over the place while making laser noises with my mouth*

    Pew. Pew pew.




    *coughs and straightens up*

    This... is our final hope :I

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