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Posts posted by Fawkes

  1. Aye! There are stations to be manned!

    Cannons to be charged!

    Troll Princesses to be ripped down from their thrones and cast into the sun!

    The New Lunar Empire is an engine of war whose march will not be stopped until the RIGHTFUL ruler of Equestria is seated upon her throne!

    For Equestria! For the moon! FOR THE NEW LUNAR REPUBLI!! FOR LUNA!!!

  2. That's what I was aiming for. I wrote mine up as a newspaper headline, reporting on Luna's failed rebellion. In the current history in which we see in MLP, no one even really remembers Luna. She's a myth. The long forgotten sister of the beloved Princess Celestia. But 1000 years ago, even if the ponies didn't play and frolic at night time, im sure they loved and worshipped their Luna. So when Luna was banished and that massive shadow of a unicorn mare appeared on the face of the moon... Equestria mourned for her.

    S-so... I.. I see you hated my fanfiction, Tales... t-that's okay... I guess... ;_;

    Where's YOURS, huh? HUH HUH?

    Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

  3. What is that behind the brownie? Banana pudding?

    I look into it's black, soulless eyes... and I can hear the abyss calling to me... just whispers... but they echo behind my eyes...

    And in that instant... I know... I mustn't sleep. I can't. If I do... Banana Pudding will come to take my soul, to sink it into the depths of it's creamy, banana-ey goodness. Just like Brownie did... his eyes alight with the twinkle of a newly reaped soul.

    I look into the eyes of Banana pudding... and the wicked things whisper to me... and I know they're coming for me...

    Don't fall asleep. Banana Pudding will find you.

    Celestia save us all.

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  4. Umm... Don't really follow... Uhh, are their seperate sections, or something?

    [Not sure if serious]

    Yeah, not fer serious. Jus messin' xD

    Like Angie was sayin, I was a li'l hesitant since you're new and all but I figured we hadda toughen you up somehow >:3

    But yeah, welcome to the royal city and a pleasure to meetcha!~

    So yeah. Feel free to join in. I dunno why you would since there's LESS than no chance of you winning this thread, but to each their own >:3

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  5. The world slowly crumbles beneath my hooves yet I will be the final stallion to stand upon these stained lands before tumbling down into the black abyss. I can see the birds rushing over my head, their chirps joined in a chorus heralding the beauty and freedom and salvation of the Celestial bastions and their open gates... but all I hear coming from their beaks is the frenzied prophecy telling of my imminent victory.

    As Equestria crumbles around me and the light of Celestia's sun is smothered by darkness, my heart is hardened. My hooves will not move. Not until this is finished. Not until the very end.

    And the end is near.

    Or in other words NO IMMA WIN DIS SHIZ >:3

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