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Everything posted by Halvard

  1. Hah! Yeah! I just got Dead Island too! I've beat it twice now. >_>
  2. I would absolutely looove it if somebody would help me get adjusted to this Website format. How to make my posts look nice and colorful, and whatnot.
  3. So um... -Ahem-... What should I do now? Go to the character application forums?
  4. Oh, thank you! I already spoke to a mod who's told me all I need to know about properly introducing my character. Good to have met you, however!
  5. Howdy folks! M'name is Ryan, I'm 19 years old and I'm a classic Rock and Metal enthusiast. I'm also a huge fan of anything zombie related. Zombie movies, zombie games, zombie costumes, zombie anything. Currently I'm going through physical therapy to deal with a partially herniated disc in my back, but as soon as I get that out of the way, I'm looking to go into college . I hope to get a major in English, as I feel like my writing and speech skills are lacking to SUCH an extreme. I'm sort of hoping that extended periods of time in a classroom focused on improving my English skills will greatly improve my ability to story write in Roleplays. Other than that, I'm not a super interesting guy. I don't have much to share about me, I guess you'd have to ask me things. I do enjoy Cowboy hats and I actually intend to start collecting them if I ever have money in my pockets that I don't immediately throw away on a zombie game/movie.
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