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Posts posted by Acynder

  1. Not to mention the amazing Celestia scene...

    I totally don't understand boast busters though.  Trixie has such a destructive personality that I find it hard to watch.

    If she were justifiably boastful that would be one thing, but instead of performing feats more amazing than the challengers, she just belittles and humiliates them.

    Well Rainbow Dash and Applejack were asking for it. They were the ones that confronted and challenged Trxie. Trxie was only trying to defend her act because if she didn't, Everyone would leave her show and she won't make a lot of money. Thus she can't make a living.

  2. Its a commonly known fact alot of the brotherhood is insane. Litterally sociopathic and religiously zealous in their faith to their dark god. So I thought "What if one of them was SO DEEP into her faith, the only one she would speak with is Sithis himself? She does this by stabbing her victims close range and speaking words of love and admiration to her Father as they're dieing, because she knows the soul of those killed by the Dark Brotherhood are absorbed by Sithis, and her words of love to him would reach him through the kill. Thats why she uses a dagger, up close, point blank kills only. So she can drag it out to speak to him a little longer"its so deliciously psychotic, I just love it.

  3. There is one anomaly.

    One which has perplexed me for awhile.

    I've been meaning to ask Artax about it, actualy.

    Phil the Time Wizard.

    He is one of, if not THE, most active person on the board.

    You know... over time, or whatever.

    However, he doesn't appear in the members list. Or ANY such list.

    He has 1,800 posts though~

    Veerrrrrrrry perplexing.


    Hmmm intrigueing. And I seem on that thing that tells whatever member is online or not and he gets classified as on.Must be a glitch or something.

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