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Blog Entries posted by Tenkan

  1. Tenkan
    So, I thought I'd start a new blog since all the cool people are doing it.
    I've done video blogs before, but a typing vlog? Not so much.
    Normal folk say you gotta use correct grammar and spelling in a Blog, but here's hoping you're all as friendly and forgiving as you always are when it comes to the English language.
  2. Tenkan
    What's up, Canterlot?
    It's definitely been quite a long time since the team and I made an episode of the Canterlot Voice.
    Erlenmeyer posted a thread about why this is so, and I'm just clarifying that yes, we all are busy, and quite frankly I might personally not come back to make more episodes.
    I've started the second semester of my first year of university in England, and I'm not getting the time to do most of the media related stuff that I do as a hobby, like video blogs and gaming commentaries, along with the Canterlot Voice, which takes at least three days to complete and get uploaded. My university assignnments have been piling up, and I was given the dilemma of either sticking to what I was doing as a hobby or spending time on media assignments for my future. Of course, I think you guys can all understand what the priority is.
    To be fully honest, I really wish we could have continued to make more episodes. It was so fun! Sitting every week, with a new fun guest to talk to and learn new things about them and of the things they do. It felt really good. Sharing jokes and making memories.
    But as they say, all good things must come to an end. We were able to pull off 21 successful episodes, and it's thanks to you guys giving your feedback and opinions and supporting us to keep making more content.
    Now, I think you guys might have a lot of questions, so I'll post my answers to general ones I'm sure about. I'm answering these on my behalf, so I'm not fully certain about what my fellow cohosts have planned for the future. These are answers in relation to my role in the podcast.
    Will you continue making the Canterlot Voice podcast when you're not busy?
    No. Because I don't want to "not be busy". Once I'm done university, I plan to look for a job and stay busy for the rest of my life.
    Is this the end of the podcast?
    It could be, if no one wants to pick up after my job as an editor/host.
    Pick up after you? Are you allowing people the oppertunity to join the CV crew and keep the show going?
    Yes. That is, if there is a crew left. Considering the whole crew is busy and unable to work on the show, you might have to make a new crew, with a host, writer, editor...etc...
    Alright. I'd like to join the CV crew!
    Hold your horses! You have to ask permission first.
    Just send a PM to either me, Nemmy, Erlenmeyer, Noctriix, or Brained and we'll see about it.
    I have questions on how to start the engines again. Can you give me some advice?
    Of course! Whatever you ask, I'll do what I can to answer. Just ask nicely.
    BrainedBySaucepans was kind enough to make an Episode List of all the CV episodes we recorded for your convenience, so check it out.
    Canterlot Voice Episode List
    If you have anymore questions, you can write it below in the comments or send me a PM.
    One we started the podcast, I was dreading the day I would make a blog post like this. Saying goodbye.
    This is Tenkan signing off.
  3. Tenkan
    Definitely no bad luck in this episode. But that's strange, since it's episode 13, and we did record it on October 13th.
    Nonetheless, we are safe, because we've got this lucky pony joining us in today's show!

    Click the logo to get the full picture of what's going down.

  4. Tenkan
    (My mother's friend's daughter used to say that. It's very, very annoying when you actually hear what it sounds like.)
    This is for all the Canterlot folk who hadn't watched our latest podcast.
    Brained is joined by his cohost Nemmy, who both get the honor of interviewing LovinMoonlight! Might I add, LM's very modest about his work. That must be changed! Everyone PM the guy about his work until he realizes its awesomeness!
    Canterlot Voice: Episode 16: Gak Free Zone
    And for those who watched the podcast and commented, you still have my love.
    It's a good think I'm so far away from you, or I would be constantly hugging you. Do you really want that?
    Don't answer.
  5. Tenkan
    Please don't tell me you haven't seen the new Canterlot Voice podcast.
    For those who have, thank you so much for your comments! I lovez ya! More than you know!
    Like seriously, I never knew what love was, but now I do, and it's FUDGING AWESOME!
    As for those you haven't seen it I ask, "What are you waiting for, friend? Do it!" Not only do I have the witty BrainedBySaucepans joining me in the episode, we've got good ole' Conor Colton in as a guest! Have you any idea how masculine his voice sounds, by the way?
    I'm hoping he agrees to that 'voice-box surgery' idea that I offered.
    Anyways, go over here to watch it. And be sure to leave whatever feedback you deem necessary in the thread.
  6. Tenkan
    What's up, Canterlot?
    It's been a long time since my previous blog, so I'll just cut to the chase and conclude that I've aquainted myself to my flat mates and have grown quite fond of them, actually. Very nice people. All UK nationals like me, but with a mixed background...except the guy from Newcastle. >.>
    I just caught a cold yesterday, which brought a stop to many things today like going to Uni, dinner with my aunty and grandmother, and bothering to get a part time job. Which is something my two elder brothers never got when they were here studying and I'm quite surprised, really.
    So I'm staying in my room utilizing the programs I've got to finsih my assignments, so no big deal. As for leisure? TV Shows online, Minecraft, cookies and Yorkshire pudding! Absolutely delicious.
  7. Tenkan
    What's up, Canterlot?
    So a week passed, and I still had no idea what to do with these dieting Ninjas. So I moved on with my life.
    What's a guy gotta do to make some friends?
    Go outside and find them!
    So I would go out for long walks, and explore, explore, explore - and let me tell you that England is visually beautiful!
    If England was a female in human form I'd marry it. I'm serious, everypony. It's a real pleasure to walk through.
    Aside from clouds and a bit of rain here and there, (which I find awesome) it's been so good to walk through it all and indulge in the breezy cool winds. I believe it's maybe because I used to live in a different environment back home, therefore I'm so taken aback by what I see here on a daily bases like grass, forests, blue skies and CLOUDS, BABY, CLOUDS! Blessings in the sky! Bring me shade, yes!!!
    Of course, one must be cautious when drastically changing to different countries with different climates so I take full precaution and where I jacket.
    Unfortunately, some people here tend to be cautious around me, especially since my jacket's a...hoody jacket.

  8. Tenkan
    Hello, everyone!
    Time flies, doesn't it?
    Feels like yesterday all those blessings and tragedies befell us, but little did I know it was years before.
    Time stops for no one, so it's our job to keep up with it.
    2013 Baby!
    A new year, and a fresh start for each of us to work hard and make progress in our lives.
    Everyone's been very helpful to me in 2012. I want to thank all of you for staying supportive and tolerant of everything I do and say.
    And all those bad jokes I made that you guys had to put up with? Boy, I gotta work on those. Or just give up on comedy.
    Or maybe not.
    Oh, oh! And the podcast?
    Beginning 2012, I had no idea I'd be getting into such a hobby and having so much fun doing it.
    I'd like to thank all the guests who came on and joined us. I don't have any regrets concerning the podcast. It's all been a positive and social experience for me, and I'd personally like to thank everyone who got involved. Those who viewed, commented, subscribed, or helped us out by any means.
    I'd thank my fellow hosts (BrainedBySaucepans, NemesisPon3, Noctriix, and Erlenmeyer) but they already know how much l appreciate their help and support.
    Check out 2012's last podcast!
    Here's hoping for a brighter and better 2013.
    Until then, have a good one, Canterlot!
  9. Tenkan
    What's up, Canterlot?
    I've just discovered that an Arabic TV Show that I used to watch back home has finally been subtitled and uploaded on Youtube.
    I'm freaking out. :!:
    It's based on the historic leader Umar, who was one of the most powerful and influential Muslim rulers in history and very well known for his acts of justice and leadership.
    It's the biggest show an Arab production has ever made and is standing pretty high in reviews.
    Anyway, so I stumbled upon one thing he said that I found very interesting. At this point of the show he's a young man, a camel herder no less. But still so thoughtful and sharp with his thoughts, and it's no surprise he ended up a leader when he used to think like this at such an age.
    "In the open, life gives you clarity of thought, sharper eyesight, purer feelings and unhindered nature. As for the camels; well, when you deal with them like I did, you will realize that they need proper management.
    You will soon be able to identify them as individuals; each having its own temper, manners, needs and abilities. Each joins its herd, but no two camels are identical. When you are fully aware of this, you manage them as a herd, but you look after them as individuals. You will be as kind to them as a mother to her offspring. While this applies to camels, it is more clearly applicable to people. Their life cannot flourish unless they have leaders to manage their affairs. Whoever rebels will perish. A wolf only attacks a lone sheep. If people stick together, each will have his own personality and intellect. They will pursue their individual ways, interests and what is determined for them. None can totally replace another. Had it not been so, people would not need one another. None would need what someone else has. Thus, being together is the means of maintaining their individuality...and their differences bring them together." - Umar
    I like the soundtrack too. It's like a tasty chicken burger in the form of sound to satisfy my ears.

  10. Tenkan
    What's up, Canterlot?!
    (say 'the ceiling' and I'll murder you)
    So I'm finally settled in the UK. I've only been here for a week and I'm quite thankful for the things I've got right now (I HAZ A TOASTER! ) and the friendly people I've met.
    It was definitely a long trip from home though, since I had to take two plane trips and one train ride to get to the city Leeds.
    For the record, the one week I spent staying in my dorm flat, I fooled into thinking that I was sharing it with a couple of ninjas, or ghosts...or just really, really shy people.
    You see, I'm living in a dorm where the only thing that's shared between students is the hallway and kitchen, so you get a bedroom and bathroom to yourself. So most of the time there's no reason to leave your room other than to get something to eat or to leave. Cosy, ain't it?
    Now, I do enjoy my personal space, but I try to break the habit of sitting in for too long and not meeting anyone new, so I would leave my room to pretend to get stuff to eat so I could meet some of the flat mates. In one whole day I'd get up almost five times to 'get something to eat' and I wouldn't see a single person around. Ever. Not one! The freezer and fridge were even empty most of the time. All I'd see are some eggs and a bottle of milk that's always half empty...or full or whatever.
    I thought I was going nuts! Are the flat mates really that shy that they'd stay in their rooms and order take out and not put anything in the fridge for later? We're all five people. That's quite a lot. Ninjas on diets, I tell you!
    I got so desperate to meet them that when I'd stay in my room, I'd hear a noise out so I'd open the door as fast as I can to check if anyone was around. And guess what? No one.
    In the end, I got so desperate that at night I would turn off the hallway light to see if there's light coming out of their rooms from the bottom of their door in case anyone's even in...to at least satisfy my ever growing curiosity if these people even exist.
    Forever alone, or perfectly natural?

  11. Tenkan
    What's up, Canterlot? Still being awesome?
    I just got news of my uncle's situation in Syria, and that he finally got released from prison. It's the best news I heard in a long, long time, and I couldn't be more happy. All my worries of what could have happened to him in there are gone, and to hear that he's still alive is a miracle.
    Then again, this two year revolution against tyranny is miraculous in itself. We got no one else to thank but God.
    Aside from that, egplants still rock. Yes, I only put one 'g' because it still sounds the same and won't get censored, and yes I only chose to side with egplants just to spite the lovely British folk, even when the whole thing started I chose aubergines.
  12. Tenkan
    This was a poem my brother wrote a year ago dedicated to the Syrian revolution.
    "Freedom!" the hearts of souls call,
    true men of my country rise and fall
    through pure revolution, uniting us all,
    making vermin of giants who once stood tall.
    Yet "they" still hesitate to make a decision
    governments of men, who claim a religion
    united by blood yet separate in vision,
    united by language yet like an incision;
    a separation, a cut, a blatant division
    of opinion, mission, even definition
    of what happens to my brethren and our religion.
    Blatant disregard, an offense, an attack
    to human rights, religions and their temples; ransacked,
    that is why we must continue to act,
    boycott, protest and accept only the fact:
    'we can't stop now, there's no going back!"
    and proudly represent the green white and black.
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