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Canterlot Voice Cancelled?



What's up, Canterlot?

It's definitely been quite a long time since the team and I made an episode of the Canterlot Voice.

Erlenmeyer posted a thread about why this is so, and I'm just clarifying that yes, we all are busy, and quite frankly I might personally not come back to make more episodes.


I've started the second semester of my first year of university in England, and I'm not getting the time to do most of the media related stuff that I do as a hobby, like video blogs and gaming commentaries, along with the Canterlot Voice, which takes at least three days to complete and get uploaded. My university assignnments have been piling up, and I was given the dilemma of either sticking to what I was doing as a hobby or spending time on media assignments for my future. Of course, I think you guys can all understand what the priority is. :P

To be fully honest, I really wish we could have continued to make more episodes. It was so fun! Sitting every week, with a new fun guest to talk to and learn new things about them and of the things they do. It felt really good. Sharing jokes and making memories. :)

But as they say, all good things must come to an end. We were able to pull off 21 successful episodes, and it's thanks to you guys giving your feedback and opinions and supporting us to keep making more content. :)

Now, I think you guys might have a lot of questions, so I'll post my answers to general ones I'm sure about. I'm answering these on my behalf, so I'm not fully certain about what my fellow cohosts have planned for the future. These are answers in relation to my role in the podcast.

Will you continue making the Canterlot Voice podcast when you're not busy?

No. Because I don't want to "not be busy". Once I'm done university, I plan to look for a job and stay busy for the rest of my life. :P

Is this the end of the podcast?

It could be, if no one wants to pick up after my job as an editor/host.

Pick up after you? Are you allowing people the oppertunity to join the CV crew and keep the show going?

Yes. That is, if there is a crew left. Considering the whole crew is busy and unable to work on the show, you might have to make a new crew, with a host, writer, editor...etc...

Alright. I'd like to join the CV crew!

Hold your horses! You have to ask permission first. ;)

Just send a PM to either me, Nemmy, Erlenmeyer, Noctriix, or Brained and we'll see about it.

I have questions on how to start the engines again. Can you give me some advice?

Of course! Whatever you ask, I'll do what I can to answer. Just ask nicely. ;)


BrainedBySaucepans was kind enough to make an Episode List of all the CV episodes we recorded for your convenience, so check it out. ;)

Canterlot Voice Episode List

If you have anymore questions, you can write it below in the comments or send me a PM.

One we started the podcast, I was dreading the day I would make a blog post like this. Saying goodbye.

This is Tenkan signing off.



Recommended Comments

It was defiantly a good run, buddy :)

It was a blast to be on and it was a blast to watch. Major thanks and props to you and the whole team.

Best of luck to all of ya'all :D

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Well, i guess all good things end sometime, heck, even FiM is bound to end eventually (lol jk, this show will go on long after were dead :P)

But anyways i wish all of you luck, in your, um... busy-ness and hope that this gives you the extra time that you guys need for IRL stuffs

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Wow, I never thought I'd hear the words.It was fun while it lasted, hopefully somepony will be able to pick back up where you guys left off and give us the same awesome podcast that we looked forward to every week. It will be tough to fill you guys' horseshoes, but I'm confident someone will come along to do the job.

Good luck with your lives!

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