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Posts posted by Tenkan

  1. 11 hours ago, NastyMann said:


    N E W  L A D S 



    Starts with a hatchet

    +2 strength

    +1 shooting


    A great outlook on life combined with not being very perceptive allows for some magical feats of denial!

    + May ignore despair

    - Bad rolls for perception and wits


    "Oblivious" :lol::lol::lol:My cheeks literally hurt right now!


    Thank you for making my day.


    MFW "magical feats of denial"



    • Like 1
  2. *strolls in merrily*


    Good to see the war hasn't ended yet. We all know I'll end up winning the Last Post Wins contest, again, anyway. :)



    On 12/9/2016 at 3:27 PM, NastyMann said:


    >me when I chicken out of giving a local business my resume


    ALSO I SHOULD TLEL YOU LADS CAUSE I LIKE YOU FELLAS: your boy nastymann has an official show! after partaking in a local radio broadcast to support it's fm launch I got asked to play at a local music festival on December 22nd with a bunch of other local artists. I'm pretty stoked/nervous as hell but if i'm lucky someone will be fooled enough to think I'm a real musician and not the poseur hack I am deep down


    Dude! Great performance. I subscribed. :)



    On 12/10/2016 at 6:01 AM, NastyMann said:



    T H E  L A D S 

      Reveal hidden contents




    Calm and collected. Useful when firing into a horde!

    + Very calm due to high composure

    + 1 extra point in shooting


    Start with a rifle, pistol, and ammo

    +2 shooting




    Retains old values before world went crazy. This is good and bad.

    + Super high loyalty and personality stats!

    + 3 points to medical and mechanical skills!!

    - Permanent and significant morale penalty!!


    Starts with 7 medical supplies

    +2 medical




    Comfortable with machinery, such as cars.

    + 2 points mechanical!

    + Great wits checks!

    - May need more practice to repair car.


     Get one extra location choice during looting events

    Rerolling looting events costs less gas



    A combination of high perception and extreme pessimism lets someone brace for the worst!

    + May identify traits in new recruits

    + Always on the look out for danger

    - Can be a real grumpus

    Paranoid characters can find solutions to dangerous events. For example, they have ready-made plans to escape Bandits and Apartment Fire events with little to no harm or loss.

    However, they are least trusting of others and will not be as willing to receive help or supplies from strangers––such as the Creepy Hotel Owner event.

    Their negativity tends to cause a drop in morale with other members of the group.     

    At a very low morale, Paranoid characters become more likely to lash out and fight other members of the group. They may force an event where they would like a member to be booted or else they instead will leave the group.


    Starts with a nicer car

    +3 mechanical




    Destroy all zombies! Never retreat! Oh no, I got bit!

    + 4 points to strength, fitness, and shooting!!

    + Can go one over the maximum for the above stats!!!

    - Super low personality stats! Dies in one bite!!




    This person... has a mysterious past...

    + 3 points given to fight skills at random

    - Randomized and extreme personality!

    Starts with a crowbar

    +2 shooting

    +1 mechanical

    Level by training shooting and mechanical.


    The Cat:


    Good start on zombie thwacking skills, with a nondescript personality.

    + 2 points more strength!

    + 2 points more fitness!

    - Boring personality


    Has a two-hit unarmed attack, but cannot shoot firearms

    +2 strength

    +2 fitness




    From perception of others, a good additude, and pure charisma, there's something about this person that opens doors

    + Charms way into free stuff or out of a bad situation

    - Can't charm way out of everything


    Starts with granola bars

    +3 fitness




    Kind of a fragile sort. But really good at fleeing!

    + Run speed bonus!

    - Takes one less hit then normal

    - Bad attitude

    Characters with a Frantic Whiner trait may cause a drop in morale for other members of the group and will often spout negative statements. At a low morale they are likely to lash out and argue with other members and may force an event where they would like a member to be booted out of the group or else they will leave instead.


    Starts with a metal pipe

    +3 strength




    Being untrustworthy can be an asset in the post-apocalypse.

    + Rip others off

    - Rip the group off

    - Ticking time bomb


    Angry dogs may become friendly

    70% extra chance for random recruit to be a dog

    You can sometimes use "Dog Psychology" on trader dogs to give receive free stuff















    Whoever came up with this idea is an absolute creative genius! Look at you all! So tiny and pixelated! :kissy:


    You fellas better livestream or record this.

    • Like 1
  3. On 11/21/2016 at 10:00 PM, Penumbra said:

    oK fiRST thats RUDE! We haven't established any teleportation magic yet you can't just make up rules.
    I am SOOooOOooOO telling Mom on you and she will BAN YYou.

    Second all Waifu's will perish before best gril.  



    *uses his spirit katana to cut you into a million billion pieces and then teleports in front of you, wink, smirrk, tenses muscles, then teleports 10 meters way, safe from any attacks ever for all eternity*


    Too late, man. You snooze you lose.



    5 hours ago, Rosewind said:

    Someone bought me Overwatch the first week it was out to try it out. I had fun for like a week then stopped playing it. I'm sure it's a completely different game now, the same with Heroes of the Storm.


    I'm just tired of playing games with random people and going on 10+ game salty losing streaks. That about sums up any online competitive Blizzard game to me.


    Today is the big before-Thanksgiving bakeday, the holiday we celebrate in honor of all the natives we gave smallpox to then took their land when they croaked. I'ma be a busy baker! 


    Let's do this.





    Basically my philosophy with majority of competitive shooter games. I jump in, with zero experience, taking on 12 year old master players, who'd be wearing the best hats and gear, and awesome little paint jobs I'd envy.


    Don't get me started on Counter-Strike.

  4. 6 hours ago, Davroth said:

    Life is effort and I will stop when I die! 


    Yes! Everyone sucks at something at some point. The key is to endure.


    6 hours ago, Penumbra said:

    Why wait? We could just end it now! 



    4 hours ago, CatCakey said:

    Never played the game.


    Go for it! It's on Steam. Really fun competitive team game where you're a toy rocket car playing soccer with other toy rocket cars. :P

  5. 4 hours ago, NastyMann said:

    Eat up:

    You need your strength

    Go to school; you've got to be brave

    Chase those vampires back into their caves

              and stay strong: this world needs you 


    Beat up:

    Anyone who offends you

    Do it now; you might not get another chance to

    Besides--they deserve it, almost as much as you do

    So beat up.

    Throw your body into the gears of this machine, that

    Spits you out terrified of human beings, but

    It's only love--I think it's what you need

    So throw your body into the gears of this terrifying machine


    Drink yourself ill (on more than one occasion)

    Buy a puppy (even though you'll outlive its lifespan)

    And watch its life disintegrate in your hands

              But stay calm: it might help you


    --Foot Ox



    3 hours ago, Penumbra said:

    I'd like to experience Stockholm syndrome.



  6. 27 minutes ago, Angie Cakes said:

    that is a bad word that is censored here on www.canterlot.com


    Hey, you said it! I was setting up an entirely different and family friendly joke.


    And hey! You get a half-empty LPW glass of milk under your avatar. Since I was the victor, don't I get a glass of milk?


    22 minutes ago, DreamySunday said:

    I am drinking the cocoa! Worship me!

    Or a cup of cocoa, that would be cool. Or hot.

  7. 1 hour ago, DreamySunday said:

    Not anymore you're not. :P


    OK, that's just adding salt to the wound. My pride is in shambles. I won fair and square!


    1 hour ago, Rosewind said:

    Ugh, Tenkan escaped from my basement. That's what I get for buying a cheap lock.


    Welcome back to sunlight, friend.




    Rosewind! Even though you locked me in a basement for 3 years with only crumbs to eat, I'm so happy to see you!


    That might be weird to others...what's it called again...Stockholm syndrome?


    35 minutes ago, CatCakey said:

    @Tenkan When you quoted Angie earlier couldn't you have put her speech under a spoiler? Took me the same amount of time to scroll down that it would to climb Everest


    Ooops, sorry, I'll do that now.


    32 minutes ago, Angie Cakes said:





    *clears throat*



    • Like 3
  8. 2 hours ago, Davroth said:

    Loook who's still alive.


    Davroth is here! Wow, it's like one of them reunion thingies. :D


    Good to see you.

    2 hours ago, Penumbra said:

    Oh my tenkan. Back from an around the world trip in a tank


    Penumbra is here, too! Wowzer bowzers, I'm running out of exclamations, right now!


    How's it hanging?


    1 hour ago, PatchworkPsycho said:

    Something tells me Tenkan is pretty popular, huh?


    Hey, there! Nah, mainly me catching up with old friends. I was here throughout 2011-2013, but I had to sign out for a bit.


    I remember I won this thread war, too. I WAS THE LAST ONE TO POST.

  9. 10 hours ago, Angie Cakes said:



  10. OK, wow. 2k pages! When will the war end?!


    23 minutes ago, DreamySunday said:

    I remember your face! I missed it too <3 


    You're too kind, Dreamy. Honestly, it's been too long.


    My memories are slowly catching up to me...these names...these good feelings, ugh.


    I am a changed pony.


    19 minutes ago, NastyMann said:



    Angus is gonna be hype when she wakes up


    YOU ARE KIDDING ME! HAHAHA, I REMEMBER YOU! Back at it again with your insanity, booiiii


    3 minutes ago, MicroChip said:

    He lives! After so long! How you doin?!



    Microchip! I liiiiiiive! I'm doing great, thanks. Just graduated from Uni, actually.


    How's it hanging, buddy?

    • Like 1
  11. On 8/23/2016 at 0:48 AM, Angie Cakes said:

    if I @ people does it get their attention??


    @Conor Colton  @IRockZ28 @Bronies For Life @Brony-Vas-Normandy @AsthmaticPegasus @Appliance @Sulvuss @Tenkan @Apolline Allura


    I don't think any of these people are still active though so :\



    I live!


    Honestly, I was listening to some MLP beats, and I was shot back to Canterlot memories, and now I see you posting.


    Good times, good times. :)


    How's it hanging?

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