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Status Updates posted by AlextheAngel

  1. That moment you log onto Canterlot, and find that you now have an awesome new title. Thank you to whoever did this! :D

  2. I have a new humanoid character that I'd like to try out in a roleplay. Decided to make a pyromaniac this time.

    Anyone wanna meet him?

  3. Happy Holidays, everyone! Hopefully your day was at least a tad bit better than mine. This is perhaps the greatest roleplaying site that I have ever joined, and I am glad that it became a part of my life, along with everyone in it.


    ~ Your friendly neighborhood Angel. ^_^

  4. Guuuhhh. Need roleplays!

  5. My girlfriend's father offered to put in a good word for me at his workplace... If this doesn't work out, I'm going to EAT MY OWN EYEBALLS!!! >:/

  6. Nggh... need to get back into roleplayinggggg. ;w;


  7. I've uploaded a Let's Play of the game Loved, and have just finished recording two Let's Plays of Sister Location. Those who are subscribed to me be on the lookout. ;3

  8. I kinda wish I had someone to draw Alex... I'd do it myself, but I suck at artsy-things. >.>


  9. Man, I need to get more roleplays in with Alex and Zed in the FFA...

  10. Started up a new Fimfiction series, but I'll have to get caught up on the show before I write up the next chapter. :)

  11. Well, I was going to get some replies in yesterday, but my roommate just had to drag me all over town, then keep me up until 5 in the morning playing Borderlands, THEN hog all the blankets and take up most of the bed. I'm too exhausted to even think right now.

  12. Welp, looks like my laptop finally kicked the bucket. Replies will be slow until I either get it fixed, or I finish building my gaming computer.

  13. Yeah, my guitarist ended up leaving college the other day, so song requests might take a little longer than I expected, since I'm not as good with guitar as I used to be. Sorry. :/

  14. I remember Alan Rickman more when he played in Dogma. Sadly, I'm not a Harry Potter fan. It's still sad, though. He was an amazing actor. :/

  15. I feel as if I should be more active in the Canterlot Cronicles... however, it's just so much fun using Zed. ;-;

  16. I had absolutely no sleep last night. On the bright side, I got my guitar fixed! Now, back to song requests!

  17. Happy late Thanksgiving from Iowa!

  18. Got another CC app approved! Who wants to roleplay with a famous rock star?

  19. Just found out that one of my best friends from high school was kicked out of college for having drugs in his possession. Now they're sending him back to Canada. Perfect way to start the day.

  20. Once again, I have to deal with broken strings. Fun.

  21. I'm wondering if I should have one of my CC characters get a few tattoos...

  22. That moment when all of your friends that graduated before you comes back to visit you months later. ^_^

  23. I'm happy. I just recorded a few awesome riffs. And one of my friends agreed to perform at Anthrocon with me!

  24. *Sighs heavily* I remember the good old days of being a Rock Farmer. Now I'm up to Equestrian... Where does the time go?

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