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Blog Entries posted by Skye

  1. Skye

    This is why its annoying when people say its sooooooo much more expensive to eat healthy.
    or vegetarian
    nah, **** this privileged bull****. **** this entire infographic.
    where the **** are they buying their groceries from-
    Idk about you guys but it ain’t that cheap in NYC…
    **** you it’s 2 dollars for a bunch of bananas here and 3 for a thing of strawberries 
    furthermore Ive never seen any kind of meat going for less than a dollar… this post is such a load of horse**** I can’t even-
    Whoever did this clearly has not lived in a big city of any kind…
    Seriously. Let me break a thing down. Healthy food is expensive. Organic food is even more expensive. Brand name vegetarian products like MorningStar are INCREDIBLY. ****ING. EXPENSIVE.
    LIES.  One pack of strawberries was $6 at the food market the other day!!  Granted, they were NJ grown and not from the supermarkets, and were actually the normal size one might find in the wild, but STILL.
    Also I see something like Lean Cuisine in the “healthy" category?  I hate to tell you, but while that **** might be less than 300 or whatever calories, it’s LOADED WITH SALT.  Salt makes you retain water, so what’s the point of eating less calories when you put on ten pounds of water?
    I’m legit crying with laughter at those prices. Are they from that heavenly supermarket in the Land of Oz?
    What planet are these people from and what does an apartment run, because I’m moving there. Now. Tomorrow.
    edit: TWO LBS OF CHICKEN BREASTS FOR $1.98?! WHAT? And let me just give you the secret to life: STORE BOUGHT MEAT IS NOT VERY GOOD FOR YOU. Unless you’re buying certified organic, your **** is injected with so many hormones and dyes to make it look fresh that you are going to **** a chem lab later. Especially chicken and pork. Those are the dirtiest meats and you don’t know where the **** they came from. What the **** has walmart done to them? Holy Jesus.
    buy from the butcher. buy from the butcher. buy from the butcher.
    It’s cute that they think we’re still in the 90’s and milk only costs $2. Tho I would happily take the latter stuff LOL
    News: Normal people can’t buy these things at their wholesale prices. That’s the only way I can explain these prices…
  2. Skye

    “Your hair is red. That’s my second favourite colour.”
    “What’s your first favourite colour?”
    “Is that technically a colour though?”
    “It is if I say so. I control words, they don’t control me. Now I imagine you want to touch my muscles. You may want to use both hands, they’re quite large.”
    This is why I want to meet Gaston so bad
    No one can say cheesy lines like Gaston!
  3. Skye
    EMBEDDED TUMBLR BROWSER PONIES! I totally love it. Not sure if I want to keep S2 Princess Luna on it, but I definitely want Derpy. I should see about making a Skye one sometime. That’d be kinda keen.
  4. Skye
    Well, I suppose that depends on what you mean by permanent impression! Though there was a run in with a bear not too long ago (Thank Celestia, just a regular bear and not an Ursa Minor or Major!) that did leave a few marks in my flank that still twinge from time to time… I did come across a small family of hippocamps in Hoofington when I was checking out the beach scene. Hippocamps! Have you ever seen the like! They’re like half pony, half dolphin! I’d never seen one before. They were a delightful family, and their little fry (I think that’s what they called their foal) was just a fun little thing. She would do some of the most acrobatic leaps from the water! I never did catch their names, though. I hear they have some Lions and Tigers in Roam! Perhaps I’ll catch a show while I’m there. The Colosseum (That’s fancy for a big outdoor theatre) is a sight to see, I’m told, and that’s where they have most of their shows.
    It’s rather strange, I haven’t had to disguise myself once since I started my journey. All these years living just outside Ponyville and I find out that most of the ponies I’ve met thus far, seem to be very accomodating!
  5. Skye
    I totally love how these guys turned out. Satchel and AquaDrop make the best of couples, he being an Earth Pony and she being a Hippocamp, the two of them are unlikely yet two peas in a pod! Their offspring are no different!

    One dual set of baby ponies, done
    Skye Bluedeer (owner of Satchel) and I worked out these widdle doods.
    Driftwood is the oldest, firstborn. He looks like his daddy with accents from his mom in certain places. He’s fairly calm for a foal, and has a restless spirit. Inherited his dad’s wanderlust, loves to explore. The fact that he doesn’t have hind legs never hinders him or bothers him.
    He was bullied when he was younger because of being so different in Ponyville, but that didn’t make him mean, but only kinder. He is a very strong fighter, but much prefers to settle things peacefully. Always trying to keep up with Sky and wanting to protect her. A very kind (sometimes protective) older brother.
    Sky Diver is the second born, younger by two years. She’s a little hellion - loves to tear around, see things, explore. She also inherited her dad’s wanderlust, but prefers to find excitement and adventure in everything rather than explore calmly. She is an excellent swimmer, being a daughter of a hippocamp.
    She is never afraid of the water because the always trusts her brother will be there for her. Her favourite activity is flying as high as she can or jumping from the highest tree branch she can and diving headlong into the water, like a kingfisher.
    That’s it for now. Gonna work on these adorable things as time goes by.
    These two belong to Skye Bluedeer and myself.
  6. Skye
    I’ve been missing my letters to Celestia. I’ve had lots going on over the last couple weeks that have been taking me away from any inspiration I had to write. I promise I’ll get back to it soon.
  7. Skye
    <p>Gosh, that would be a horrible thing. I don’t know what I would do! I would hope they would grow back! Perytons don’t lose their horns like regular deer do. They’re kinda like unicorn horns, without them we’re sorta powerless! Though there was one time when I got them all tangled up in some low hanging branches and I wished they could come off then…but then I got out of them and it was all better!</p>
  8. Skye
    Ah, that’s a very good question! Every year, we do have a formal gathering in the spring for the assembly of families and pairing of new couples. As perytons only breed once a year, it’s important that the right couple gets together and when it does, it’s a very important thing. It’s not unusual for several couples to be paired in ceremony during this time of year.
    It always takes place on the first full moon of the spring and it is an entire night of festivities. There’s no name for the ceremony, we’ve never felt it necessary to call it anything as it’s very private for perytons alone. You would be extremely lucky to witness one and not be a peryton, but you can always tell when one has taken place because we always leave precious stones for the happy new couples and some of them are invariably dropped. So just look for any suspicously rustic campsites littered with random gemstones!
  9. Skye
    I’m stumped acually XD



    Er. Wingull?




    Voltorb, Typhlosion, Ho-Oh, Krokorok



    Snorlaxx - Because there’s no A&E when you’re completely passed out!

  10. Skye
    <img src="http://25.media.tumblr.com/980d8563e5f8385fbb508354b5ba9349/tumblr_mnqo7xWCVD1sszhrao1_r2_500.png"/><br/><br/><p>jirusstuff:</p>
    <p>I’m stumped acually XD</p>
    Er. Wingull?</p>
    Voltorb, Typhlosion, Ho-Oh, Krokorok</p>
    Snorlaxx - Because there’s no A&E when you’re completely passed out!</p>
  11. Skye
    If anyone wants to ask me questions about what I see during my travels, I will most definitely do my best to answer them! In fact, having questions about what I see will definitely allow me to tailor my letters to the Princess. I will always make sure in my previous letter to indicate where I am headed so you may know ahead of time. Please! Ask me questions!
  12. Skye

    IVE REACHED 800 FOLLOWERS WHEEEEE how did i get that many where did you all come from. 
    anyways yeah!!! i’ve never done a giveaway before but I figured I could do something for my 800 cause it’s a p big milestone! I chose doing pixel art for the prizes cause it’s relatively easy and enjoyable for me to do still, so I shouldn’t put it off.
    Here are the prizes:First Place: A full-coloured pixel sprite, non animated and transparent, of a character of your choice. 
    Second Place: Two (2) small pixel meenies, non animated and transparent, of 2 characters of your choice.

    AND here are DA RULEZ (they’re slightly strict but I don’t want this to get out of hand please be respectful)You MUST be following me - I will check when I pull the numbers for the winners, if you are not following me I will discard your number and draw again.
    ONE REBLOG ONLY - no likes or multiple reblogs please, I want to keep this simple and sweet.

    Closing date for this is July 22nd, 2013 at midnight, EST. Only a week, cause I don’t want it to get outta hand, yaknow?
    Okeedoke, I hope this works well! Please be respectful and follow da rules and stuff, thank ye uwu
    Kooda Art is awesome and totally worth checking out!
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